Including XML on an MS Word Merge Document

Revision as of 11:24, 21 August 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Syntax)

Revision as of 11:24, 21 August 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Syntax)

This article explains how to use the data stored within a SmartSimple XML field on a Word Merge document.

Word Merges can either draw in a single value from an XML "node" or the XML data can be displayed as a table.


For single values from an XML node use the following syntax in the "Values" section of the Word Merge custom field:

Example: project_budget=@xml.Submission;

To display data in a table (dynamic number of rows) use the same syntax as used on a web page view (Custom_Field_Type:_Special_-_XML_Data) and delimit the cells using pipes ("|"). Note that there is a pipe ("|") at the beginning and end of the row.

Example: table_5=@xml.Submission Budget.Other-Grants.Funders[#|~Funder.nodevalue~|~currency(Amount.nodevalue)~|#]@;

This example would render in a table with two columns. To specify the table use: "table_x =" where x is the table number as it appears in the template document. In the example above, the XML data will be merged into the fifth table in the Word document. Each XML section must be displayed in a separate table.

See Also