Previous Upgrade: October 1st 2010
From SmartWiki
The following features were implemented as part of the upgrade cycle which commenced on October 1st 2010.
Click on any heading to go to the associated Wiki article for detailed information
Primary Authentication Controller
- Note: this is only relevant to clients that use multiple instances of SmartSimple.
- This feature allows one instance of SmartSimple to authenticate users to gain access to a separate instance (the Authentication Member instance) without having to log in separately (Single Sign-On)
- This access can be granted to all users, or limited to a subset of users.
Reporting on User Type and Access Type
- The Access Type (Administration or Portal Interface, User Centric or Applicant Interface , Web Services User, No Access) and User Type (Global User Admin, Local User Admin, User) can be displayed in Reporting.
UTA Enhancements
Role-Based List Views
- The List View of UTA records can now be defined separately for each user Role within the system.
- User with multiple Roles will be able to select from each List View that is configured for their assigned Roles. The sequence these will be listed in the combo box can also be defined.
- This feature is available at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
Level 2 & 3 List View Colour
- The List View at Level 2 and Level 3 can now be configured to be colour coded based on the Type instead of the Status
- This is controlled within the List View setting at Level 2 and at Level 3, and can be set separately for each Role-Based List View.
- If the Calendar is enabled (Application Configuration page - Level 1 settings section) you can determine if the Level 2 activities are colour coded by Status or Type.
Level 3 Activity List Batch Update
- The Level 3 Activity List Batch Update feature allows the status of one or more Level 3 Activities to be changed directly from the Level 3 List View.
- This includes both the List View of all Level 3 activities (if enabled) and the list of Level 3 activities at the bottom a Level 2 record.
Master Schedule Template
- A Level 1 record can be configured to be a Master Schedule. When using the Level 1 Copy function on a Master Schedule, the Level 1 record will be copied along with all attached Level 2 records. A new Level 1 start date is selected, and the start and end dates on the new record will be offset to the same scheduled date ranges defined on the Master Schedule template and its Level 2 records.
Level 2 Assign By Role
- When using the Restrict Contact Assignment by Role setting on Level 2 Types, you can now automatically assign the contacts on a Level 1 to the associated Level 2 records based on their roles assigned at Level 1 and the contact Role assignment restrictions in place on the Level 2 Type.
- A manager permission controls the visibility of this feature.
Level 2 Side Scrolling
- You can now use the navigation bar to move sideways between Level 2 records, the same way you can with Level 1 records.
Transaction Batch Update
- Within a UTA you can use the Batch Update function to find Transactions that are not linked to a record within the UTA (orphans) and attach them to a selected Level 1 record.
Data Exchange
The Data Exchange has 3 new features:
- The data exchange can now be configured to exchange Level 3 activities, restricted by Status.
- Data Exchange Contact Creation can be enabled and configured to automatically create a contact upon unpack. For example the contact record for a Claimant can be created based on the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and other details send as part of a Level 1 record.
- The Roles permitted to exchange records, notes and view the Exchange History can now be controlled with a Manager Permission. (Everyone will be selected by default)
Custom Field Enhancements
ICD Code Lookup Button
- The Lookup - ICD Code Custom Field will now have a Lookup button to facilitate browsing for the relevant item.
Onload Function
- similar to savefunc and sbfunc, the system will look for a user defined Browser Script with a function called onloadfunc which will be executed as soon as the page has loaded fully.
- This is in place in the UTA at L1, L2, L3 and Invoicing, as well as on Contacts and Accounts
- It only runs in Edit mode at Level 1, Contacts and Accounts.
Post to External Server
- Posting to external servers via a Web Page View has been updated to allow the response from the server to be stored.
Reporting Enhancements
Export Button
- For reports that have defined Advanced Export Settings, when viewing the report within your browser there will now be an Export button located next to the Print button.
- This will allow the report to be easily exported to a file after previewing it in the browser.
Select User for Next Task
- This Workflow Task Type allows the current user to select which user will be responsible for the subsequent task.
- This is necessary if the following task is due to be triggered in future, since select Let Current User Select on the subsequent task isn't possible since the trigger is delayed.
Company and Contact Role-Based List View
- The List View for Companies/Accounts and Users/Contacts can be configured by role, just as the UTA Level 1, 2 and 3 List Views.
List Calendars by Company
- The list of Calendars that you can view will be grouped by internal and/or external entity. Your calendar (and your Company/Account/Branch) will always be on top.
Autoloader Support for XML Files
- You can now Autoload Transactions from XML files.
Email Attach from Smart Folder
- When sending an e-mail to a contact you can now select one or more files from Smart Folders to be attached to the e-mail, in addition to attaching files from your local disk.
HCAI Status
- The status of submissions to HCAI can be displayed from the invoice view (or OCF-18 view if enabled). It can also be stored to a custom field on the Invoice (or Level 2 for OCF-18s) so that it can be displayed within the List View or Reports
SMTP Settings
- The outgoing mail port can be configured (uses 25 as default)
- TLS can be enabled.
Advanced Logic
- Hide View Tab on User Profile allows the View tab on user and account profiles to be suppressed.