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A user is a contact that can log in and access SmartSimple through one of the three interface models supported.

A user can access and manipulate information only to the extent permitted through their membership of specific roles, combined with those roles’ ability to manage system-wide permissions.

How to Activate Users

1. Access the contact(s) you are looking for with the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your screen.

052919 MenuIcon.png

2. For a comprehensive list of all contacts, select People under the Organizations heading. 

3. From the Organization Hierarchy under Organizations, you may access contacts by finding them under their associated internal or external organization. If the contact is inactive, they will have a lock icon next to their name. LockIcon.png

  • To the right of each user the following icons are displayed: EnvelopeIcon.pngKeyIcon.png

The Envelope icon can be used to send an Instant Message or email to the user.

The Key icon indicates that this user can log into SmartSimple - their Status is set to Enabled in the User Settings.

4. Click on the contact name to go to their profile. 5. To enable the contact, select the grayed-out Key icon on the top right of their profile.


6. A confirmation pop-up will appear. You may choose to activate the user automatically (without password), active them and send an automated password to their email, or cancel the activation process.


See Also