Configuring SmartDoc and Setting the User Options

Revision as of 09:01, 11 December 2014 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Troubleshooting)

Revision as of 09:01, 11 December 2014 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Troubleshooting)

When you launch Word with the SmartDoc installed in the correct location, you will normally see the SmartDoc toolbar. The first time you install the SmartDoc, you need to input your SmartSimple username and password. The following messages will be displayed.



The SmartDoc toolbar will be displayed:


If the toolbar is not displayed, then choose the Tools, Templates and Add-ins menu to make sure the template is loaded.


If the template is not listed in the Global Templates and Add-ins, then you have not copied the SmartDoc template to the correct location.

Setting the User Options

Click the SmartDoc Options button.


The SmartDoc Options window is displayed:

The SmartDoc Options consist of the following settings:


Do not use a www or http:// prefix.

  • Resume Processing/Document Merging - Choose the options required for resume processing and/or document merging.

Click the OK button and the SmartDoc menu will be displayed with buttons appropriate to the options that you selected.

In future, you will be automatically connected to SmartSimple every time you start Word.


Issue: User Settings are not stored

  • If you use MS Word as your e-mail editor within Microsoft Outlook it may interfere with SmartDoc. This is because when you open MS Outlook it also opens MS Word, but does not fully load the MS Word Template. Then when you open the full version of MS Word it cannot access the stored settings. You will have to enter the settings manually. The settings will be retained throughout your session. If MS Outlook is not open this will not occur.

Solution: Do not use MS Word as the MS Outlook editor. This setting can be changed within MS Outlook via the Tools menu > Options > Mail Format:


Issue: Login Error

Solution: Please verify that your login credentials are correct. Additionally, if your password contains the % sign, MS Word may not accept it.

See Also