
Auto Loader

1 byte removed, 14:14, 17 September 2019
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* The folder must be used '''exclusively''' for the Autoloader, since every file uploaded will be processed.
* Incorrect files or incorrectly formatted files '''will be processed''' so could lead to data loss and/or creation of invalid data.
'''IMPORTANT''' Because any file uploaded to a SmartFolder that is attached to an autoloader will be processed it is extremely important that the SmartFolder is permissioned and labelled appropriately.
* SmartFolders for autoloaders should be permissioned such that only contacts that need to be able to upload files for autoloading are permitted to do so.
* The user uploading the file must have write permissions to the folder where the file is to be stored.
* You '''must''' not use the upload folder for any purpose other than uploading files, as the autoloader will attempt to process any file added to the folder.
: [[File:Auto3.PNG|thumb|none|400px]]
====Setting the SmartFolder====
* Click the Folder Lookup button to display the [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]], list.
: [[Image:AutoFile.png|thumb|none|400px]]
====Defining the Record Type====
The Record type can be Company, Contact, Resource or a [[Universal Tracking Application]].
: [[Image:Auto5b.png|thumb|none|400px]]
==='''File Layout''' Tab===