
Record Lock

416 bytes added, 15:01, 26 October 2009
no edit summary
* A '''Record Lock''' can be enabled at Level 1, Level 2, and/or Level 3.
* The Record Lock will give the first person to access a record in Edit mode exclusive access to the record so that other cannot edit it until released:
* If a Global Administrator has overridden the lock, when the user who originally had locked the record tries to save they will be notified:
* Occasionally a record can remain locked when it is no longer being edited (i.e. if the users browser crashes or Internet connection fails when they have it locked). The record can be unlocked by a Global Administrator using the '''Undo Check Out''' button on the relevant record. Alternately the user that locked the record can unlock it by editing it and then navigating away from the record.
[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]]