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Template:Annotation Mode

81 bytes added, 27 June
How Annotations Work
The reviewer hovers over and left-clicks the desired field to open a new annotation window. Here, they enter a message asking the applicant to change or clarify something related to this field, and then the reviewer saves the annotation.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show new Annotation window)-->
This process is repeated for all fields requiring changes or clarifications.
Once all annotations are added, the reviewer clicks the annotation submission button to send the record back to the applicant.
<!-- (Show annotation submission button in annotation mode)-->
===4. Applicant Reviews Annotations, Modifies Values, and Adds Clarifications===
In '''Annotation Mode''', fields without annotations are locked. The applicant sees a list of annotations in the right panel and can click on any annotation to engage in a specific field-level discussion.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show annotation list)-->
When focused on an annotation, the applicant can click the '''Reply''' button to open a modal window, where they can modify the field value and add a clarifying message.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show reply button when drilled into an annotation)-->
Annotations from other users (such as the reviewer) are highlighted in yellow, indicating they may require a response, while annotations you create (as an applicant) are highlighted in blue.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show drilled into an annotation with blue and yellow messages)-->
After responding and modifying field values, the applicant clicks the annotation submission button to move the status forward, triggering a workflow that notifies the reviewer of the changes made.
The reviewer evaluates the changes and the applicant's replies. If no further changes or clarifications are needed, the reviewer marks each field-level annotation as resolved.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show resolved button on drilled into annotation)-->
Resolved annotations are indicated with a green check mark, showing no further action is required.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show annotation list with an Item marked as resolved)-->
If all outstanding changes are addressed, the reviewer advances the application using the annotation submission button.
Users can exit annotation mode by clicking the close icon (“X”) in the gray box. This may be necessary to access the left navigation or other record-related elements not visible in annotation mode. To re-enter annotation mode, click the "annotation mode" toggle located in the high availability area at the top right of the record.
<!-- (Insert Image: Show picture of X to close)-->
<!-- (Insert Image: Show picture of annotation mode toggle)-->

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