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5,321 bytes added, 18:41, 21 October 2021
On-Demand System Upgrades
====Added Limit to Workflow Generated Emails====
Added a limit on on workflow generated emails and emails created in batch (Example: group email, email broadcast, etc). If the email limit is exceeded within 24 hours, the emails will be put "On Hold". Administrators will need to review and release emails put "On Hold" from the '''Message Queue''' located at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab. You can also specify who to notify when the limit is reached. This only applies to clients who are not using an SMTP relay.
<!--114639 - Need to rate limit and quota limit sending of emails-->
===Minor Updates===
====Enhancements to Impact Maps====
Enhanced '''Impact Maps ''' to include system filters, custom messaging, aggregation types, currency and precision. To configure the impact map, go to '''UTA Settings ''' > '''Level 1/2 ''' tab > '''Impact Maps'''.
<!--88956 - Impact Map Feature Enhancements-->
====Updated Question Set Builder to Display Questions in a Randomized Order====
Added ability to randomize and limit the display of questions using the question set custom field on a Level 2. To enable, navigate to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 2''' tab > Edit the desired '''Special - Question Set Builder''' custom field and toggle on '''Randomize'''.
'''Note:''' Only new level 2 records will be affected.
<!--121853 - Randomization of test questions-->
====Added Status Filter Lookups to Customer and Branch Standard Field====
Updated the '''Customer''' and '''Branch''' standard field by adding the ability to filter lookups by status. To configure, navigate to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1''' tab > '''Standard Fields''' > Edit '''Customer''' or '''Branch''' > Scroll down to the '''Lookup Filter''' section.
<!--122198 - Customer Standard field does not have a feature to filter by Organization status-->
====Added Ability to Display Checkboxes and Radio Buttons in View Mode and in PDFs====
Added the ability to easily display checkboxes and radio buttons in view mode and in PDFs. To enable, go to the desired '''Select One – Radio Buttons''' or '''Select Many – Checkboxes''' custom field and toggle on '''Show Checkboxes/Radio Buttons in View Mode'''. You can easily toggle this setting on for many fields at once by using the custom field batch update and specifically selecting '''Show Checkboxes/Radio Buttons''' in the side panel.
<!--125931 - Checkboxes not displaying properly in PDF-->
====Added Ability to Restrict Email Template Availability by UTA====
Added the ability to specify which UTA an email template applies to so it's easier to send specific email templates from a desired UTA. To configure the new setting, navigate to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Email''' > '''Templates''' tab > Edit the desired template > Select either '''UTA Level 1''' or '''UTA Level 2 & 3''' under the '''Category''' dropdown. This will reveal the new UTA dropdown setting where you can pick the desired UTA.
<!--126190 - Restrict Email Templates to UTAs-->
====Added Login Link and Email Confirmation Options on Signup Pages====
Added the ability to include a login link on signup pages for users who already have an existing account. For example, if a user receives an invitation at their personal email and they already have a user account under a different (work) email, then they can click the login link on the signup page to use their existing account instead of creating another account. To configure the link, navigate to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' or '''Company''' tab > '''Signup Pages''' > Edit an existing signup page > Toggle on '''Display Login Link on Page'''. To redirect to an existing signup page, enter “''Already have an account? Login''” for the '''Link Text''' and enter “''/s_Login.jsp”'' for '''Link URL'''.
Added a new option to help reduce typos when users enter their email address into signup pages. A new toggle called '''Enable Email Confirmation''' will render an email confirmation field directly under the email standard field. The new setting can be found at to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Signup Pages''' and edit the desired signup page.
<!--126629 - Enhancement: Link Existing Account when Accepting Invitation-->
<!--126662 - Confirm Email Address Option on Registration Pages-->
====Updated Report Export to Chain Scheduled Exports====
Added ability to run a report export directly after the currently scheduled report export. This gives you the ability to chain scheduled reports together. The new setting is called '''Sequential Report Export''' and can be configured by going to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Reports''' > Edit desired report > '''Export''' tab in left navigation > '''Scheduled Export''' tab
<!--126767 - Ability to chain scheduled exported reports-->
====Extended Ability to Create Buttons to Portal Section Types====
Extended the ability to easily create buttons linking to other section types within portals. This ability was originally only available for '''Banner''' type sections.
<!--59652 - Ability to add buttons inside portal section (no script)-->
====Updated Line Chart Custom Field for Multiple Lines====
Updated the '''Special - Chart''' custom field to allow multiple y-axes. To use, navigate to the configuration settings of any '''Special - Chart''' custom field. When '''Data Type''' is set to '''Records related to object''' and '''Chart Type''' is set to '''Line''', you will see a plus icon under '''Y-Axis''' that allows you to add multiple lines.
<!--126630 - Allow Multiple Lines on Line Chart Custom Field-->
====Added New Options for Single Sign-On====
Added new options to Single Sign On (SSO) settings. You now have the ability to update existing users' roles with the roles listed in the SSO assertion. Additionally, if you have toggled on '''Create New User on No Match''', you can optionally use roles listed in SSO assertion for new users. These new settings can be found at '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' > '''Single Sign-On''' > Edit desired Single Sign-On configuration.
<!--124791 - SSO to update roles for existing users for a fully federated SSO-->
==Beta Previews==

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