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Role Based Security

83 bytes added, 15:15, 14 June 2019
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* You can make individuals, regardless of their organisation, members of a [[Role|role]] and give them access to a resource.
* When you move the [[User|user]] to another organisation, it does not affect their permission to access a resource.
* Associating the [[Role|role]] with the resource is less time consuming if the alternative is to associate the resource to many organisations.
* You must create the [[Role|roles]] and remember to set the appropriate roles when you create a new [[User|user]].
* If you upload new [[User|users]], you must choose the correct [[Role|roles]] in the upload wizard; however, you will be prompted.
This security scheme should be used when the relationships between [[User|users]] and the resources are more complex and you need to provide access to resources independent of any organisational structure.
==See Also==
*[[The Key Control Element – Roles]]*[[Manager Permissions]]* [[Roles and Security Settings]]* [[:Category:Security]]* [[Security Settings]]

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