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Configure the OCF-21B Form Fields

1 byte removed, 20:00, 9 January 2008
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There are five sections to this page:
* '''Goods & Services Service Item Settings''' – this section determines the types and status of items to be included in the form. Generally these settings will be set to '''All Types of items''' of items and a status of '''To be billed'''.
* '''Injury Item Settings''' – this section determines the type of items to be included and the status of these items.
* '''Referral Field Mapping''' – maps the level Level 1 fields to the appropriate HCAI form fields.* '''Assessment Field Mapping''' – maps the level Level 2 fields to the appropriate HCAI form fields.* '''Activity Field Mapping''' – maps the level Level 3 fields to the appropriate HCAI form fields.
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:HCAI]]

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