Displays as a '''List''' box in '''Edit''' mode. Displays as a list of values the user can select multiple values. The user needs to use '''Control + Click''' to select multiple items or '''Shift + Click''' to select a set of contiguous items.
<u>'''Field Options''' </u>{{FieldOptions}}{{AllowEmpty}} * '''Display Order''': The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed{{AppearMandatory}}* '''Tab Name''': Displays the field under a given tab{{LabelAboveField}}* '''Field Name''': The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input* '''[[Caption]]''': The leading question or prologue before the field* '''Allow Empty''': This checkbox allows the field to be left empty{{Searchable}}* '''Appear Mandatory''': Makes the field appear as through it required even though "Allow Empty" is selected.{{TrackChanges}}* '''Searchable''': This field can be searched within the tracking application{{ShowDisplayValueInListViews}}* '''Track Changes''': Keeps track of changes made to this field{{HideFieldForNewRecord}}
<u>'''Special Options for Field'''</u>