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Previous Upgrade: February 2013

146 bytes removed, 01:33, 7 November 2011
no edit summary
The following servers will be upgraded on Thursday 01 December, 2011 at 10pm EST.
:* (after 10pm GMT)
The associated [[Backup Server and Testing Instances|backup servers]] will be upgraded on Thursday November 24th for testing.
* The maximum number of password changes a user can make within a 24 hour period can be defined. This is to prevent users bypassing the password history restriction by changing their password repeatedly to return to a previously used password.
* A new [[Global Setting]] to prevent use of the '''exlogin''' external login short-cut.
* '''Advanced Search''': An more powerful search facility can now be be enabled to replace the right-hand search panel within Contacts, Companies and the [[Universal Tracking Application]]. The Advanced search enable quick and easy input of multiple criteria including AND, OR and NOT operands.
* '''Branching Workflows'''. A logical statement can be added to workflow connectors. This will enable workflows to branch based on conditional statements. For example: if a workflow request is triggered for a request exceeding $100,000 it will be sent to Senior Management for approval, while requests under $100,000 will take a different path.
* XML Field Section builderBuilder: An automated tool to facilitate creation of XML tables such as budget templates etc.
* Auto-close on set password page: after setting a password for a contact the confirmation window will auto-close in 3 seconds
* Roles: a new setting to make a role a "UTA Role only" which will hide it from "Able to Set" and "Roles & Access" page.
* Ability to use role name instead of [[roleid]] to determine if a contact has a given role: '''@'''''object'''''.inRole("'''''Rolename'''''")@'''
::Example: ''@owner.inRole("Researcher")@''
==Contacts and Accounts==
* A new setting to flag a role as a '''UTA Role only'''. Enabling the setting will hide the role from '''Able to Set''' and '''Roles & Access''' page where it is not required.* New variable syntax to use '''role name''' instead of [[roleid]] to determine if a contact has a given role: '''@'''''object'''''.inRole("'''''Rolename'''''")@'''::Example: ''@owner.inRole("Researcher")@''* Ability to initiate a '''duplicate check ''' while viewing a contact or account company record.This can be enabled via [[Advanced Logic]]* '''Group e-mail''' Ad hoc e-mail broadcasts can be sent from the contact search list view using this feature, enabled via [[Advanced Logic]]* Sign-up pages can be configured to '''Use Internal Formatting''', so the formatting and functionality of the sign-up page will reflect the dispaly display and oprational operation of the internal pages.
* The pipe (|) can now be used as a column delimiter when importing contact or accounts.
==Standard and Custom Fields==
x When configuring Custom Fields a new setting will allow you to select which Level 1 template(s) the field will appear for. This will apply to fields at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
x Custom field setting to update the value to the database as soon as it is changed, rather than when the page is saved.
==UTA Enhancements==
* [[Track Changes]] setting on the '''Contacts''' standard field to audit addition and removal of contacts on a Level 1 record.
* Exchange rate
* Level 1 [[Statuses]] can now be limited to show only the '''Submit''' button.
* When copying a Level 2 the contacts and/or accounts companies in the multiple contact/account company lists (if enabled) can now be copied toowith the record.
* Deleted Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 records can be restored by Global User Administrators
* Batch Update can now be used to remove contacts or companies by role. Additionally it will be possible to replace a given contact (or company) can be replaced in batches with a new contact (ior company).e. Allows ::This will allows reassignment of records from one contact to another)if a team or staff member changes.
* '''Disable Default Date''' setting at Level 1 so the startdate, starttime, enddate and endtime will be blank on new records
* Level 1 branch standard field can be configured to manifest as an Ajax search with a lookup button instead of a combo box.
x Setting * Open Level 1 records in Edit mode: When defining the [[List View]] at Level 1 there is a new setting to change determine whether the default view of Level 1 records to be should open in Edit mode rather than View Mode.
* UTA Consumer/Provider Enhancements
:* Level 2 records can act as Providers
* An HTML template can be custom defined for reports that prompt for criteria using the '''???''' syntax
* Setting to mark a report as '''Do Not Rebuild''' to prevent accidentally overwriting customized report template settings. This setting causes a pop-up confirmation when you open report builder.
* Reports For reports that prompt for criteria , the criteria entered can be referenced in customized report templates using this syntax: '''@args['''''field id''''']@'''
* Confirm on delete of a report.
x Advanced Export: when you select a field in the drop-down it will append the field to the end of the body, not the start.
x Global Advanced Logic to hide the "Print" button on reports
* '''Last Search''' option for Contact search, Company search and Level 2 / Level 3 searches
* The [[Applicant Tracking]] built-in application can now be renamed. This will facilitate its use as a Volunteer tracking system.
x New variable syntax to determine if a contact is in a given role by rolename rather than roleid. @me.inRole("Rolename")@
* Workflow IDs will be shown in the list of workflows to facilitate configuration
* Global Advanced Logic to control View/Edit on contact records
* Global Advanced Logic to hide the Organization Chart on company records
* Global Advanced Logic to remove the hyper links hyperlinks on the e-mail field and phone number field on contacts and account
* The access level a contact has been given (No Access, User Centric Interface, Administrator or Portal Interface) can be accessed using variables '''@accesstypeid@''' and '''@accesstype@'''

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