Invoice Module Variables
The following variables can be used when creating a Web Page View to generate an Invoice using the Invoicing Module:
[hide]Invoice Line Items
Invoice Items refers to the Level 2 or Level 3 items to be billed.
On the Invoice Configuration page, you must first provide the field names of the associated Level 2 or 3 fields so they can be listed as part of the individual line items on the invoice. This is done in the Invoice Item Field Mapping section. The fields are:
- Item Detail:
- Item Quantity:
- Item Amount:
- Item Tax:
- Item Tax 2:
For example, the associated fields on the Level 2 or Level 3 entities might be named:
Item Detail: | @type@ |
Item Quantity: | @quantity@ |
Item Amount: | @rate@ |
Item Tax: | @GST Amount@ |
Item Tax 2: | @PST Amount@ |
On the Web Page View you refer to each of these fields using special terminology which allows them to be generated as a list:
- Item Detail: ~description~
- Item Quantity: ~qty~
- Item Amount: ~amount~
- Item Tax: ~tax~
- Item Tax 2: ~tax2~
- ~fullamount~ is used to display the product of Quantity and Amount
- ~Index can be used to number the lines (1, 2, 3...)
- ~Index~ start numbering at 1, ~index~ starts numbering at 0.
If you wish the invoice line items to include fields other than the standard fields (which are Item Detail, Quantity, Amount, Tax and Tax2):
- Create a Store Value - System Variables field in the Invoice Item Custom Fields section of the Invoice Configuration page which refers to the field name of the Level 2 or 3 field (example: @Product Code@).
- Hint: You can use the same name for this field (ie: Create a field called Product Code which stores a System Variable called @Product Code@)
- Within the invoice line item section on the Web Page View you can refer to the field name from the Invoice Item Custom Field section between $’s. (Example: $Product Code$)
NOTE: The field name between the $$ is Case Sensitive.
Invoice Totals
- @amount@: This is the subtotal, also known as the invoice total before tax (the sum of all ~fullamount~ amounts)
- @tax@: Total tax 1 on the invoice (the sum of all the ~tax~ amounts)
- @tax2@: Total tax 2 on the invoice (the sum of all the ~tax2~ amounts)
- @invtotal@: this is the total amount of the invoice, including both taxes.
- @invnumber@: this is used to refer to the invoice number if you are using auto-numbering (which can be configured on the Invoice Configuration page.)
- @invdate@: display the date of the invoice (by default is the date the invoice is created, but can be changed)
- @statusname@: display the status of the invoice. (Statuses can be created on the Invoice Configuration page.)
The following is a example that would be used on the Web Page View to create a table listing all the items for the invoice, as well as the Subtotal, Total GST, PST and Invoice Total:
<table> <tr> <td>Product Code</td> <td>Item Description</td> <td>Quantity</td> <td>Unit Cost</td> <td>Total Cost</td> <td>GST</td> <td>PST</td> </tr> <form name=frmsubact> [#(?object=items) <tr> <td>$Product Code$</td> <td>~description~</td> <td> ~qty~ </td> <td> ~amount~ </td> <td> ~fullamount~ </td> <td> ~tax~ </td> <td> ~tax2~ </td> </tr> #] </form> <tr> <td><b>Sub-Total:</b></td> <td>@amount@</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Total GST:</b></td> <td>@tax@</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Total PST:</b></td> <td>@tax2@</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Total:</b></td> <td>@invtotal@</td> </tr> </table>
The code between the [#(?object=items) and closing #] will be repeated for each line item to be included on the invoice.