Setting the Sort Order on a List View

Revision as of 14:03, 18 July 2017 by Ciaran Donnelly (talk | contribs) (Sorting Field Order from the List View)

Revision as of 14:03, 18 July 2017 by Ciaran Donnelly (talk | contribs) (Sorting Field Order from the List View)

caption Click here to watch a video on creating and editing List Views.

Setting the Default Field Sort Order

If you wish for the list view to launch with sort already defined then you need to configure this when creating the list view.

  • Once you have selected the fields to be displayed and have saved your list view, the Sort Order tab will appear.
  • In this tab, you can set the default sort order for the records in the list view.
  • NOTE: Read-only fields cannot be sorted against. As a result such fields are not included in the List View Builder on the Sort Order tab.


  1. Click on the "Add" button to add rows to the Sort Order definition.
  2. Choose a field that the list view should be sorted by, by default.
  3. Choose the "Direction" in which the sort should occur.
  • "Ascending" will sort the selection from A to Z, from 0 to 9.
  • "Descending" will sort the selection from Z to A, from 9 to 0.
  • In the example above, the list view will be sorted by:
    • first name (A to Z), then, within sets of matching first names,
    • last name (A to Z), then, within sets of matching first and last names,
    • email addresses (A to Z)
  • NOTE: If you wish to sort on the Status Display order when configuring a list view, then you must select the "Status Display Order" option from the Sort Order drop-down. This option will order your list view by the status' display order, but will only be exposed it there is at least one column with the "Status" field.
  • NOTE: Note that this process defines the default sort order for the list view. The list view can be re-sorted using the "Sort By" feature within the list view.

When configuring a list view, the "Sort Order" tab will have another option in the drop-down called "Status Display Order", which will order your list view by the status' display order. The list view must have at least one column with the "Status" field.

Sorting Field Order from the List View

If you wish to sort the list view after it has been launched then simply click on the column header.

The first time you click the column header then it will sort the rows in ascending order based on the values in the column selected.

The first time you click the column header then it will sort the rows in descending order based on the values in the column selected.

The next time you click the column header then it will resort back to the unsorted or default sort, depending on the configuration.

NOTE: The above does not apply to older style list views. It is recommended that users migrate to the new list view style in this case.

See Also