Configuring List Views

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caption Click here to watch a video on creating and editing List Views.

Defining a List View

There are two types of List Views: System Views and Personal Views.

  • System Views belong to a specific role. All users in that role will have the option to select this List View. Multiple System Views can be defined for each role.
  • Personal Views are only visible to the user who creates them. Multiple Personal Views can be defined for each user.

System Views

  • When you click on the "New System View" button, you will be prompted to select the role to which the System View pertains. Select the appropriate role and click "OK."
  • You will now see three tabs in the right-hand frame: Properties, Columns and Export.


  • By default, the "View Name" will match the role that you have selected. The name of the list view can be edited.
  • Select a display order. This will define which list view will be the default for users who possess multiple roles.
  • The default value for the "Open Button Label" is "Open." Changing this value will change the caption on the button used to access a specific record in the list view.
  • Checking the "Open in edit mode" option will mean that when records are opened, they will default to edit mode as opposed to view mode.


Exporting Results to MS Office

Please see our article at Exporting List View Results to Microsoft Excel.

Setting the Field Sort Order

Once you have selected the fields to be displayed and have saved your list view, the Sort Order tab will appear. In this tab, you can set the default sort order for the records in the list view.


See Also