Installing SmartSimple on Windows Server

Revision as of 14:16, 31 October 2007 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:16, 31 October 2007 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

This article describes the method required to install a copy of SmartSimple on a Windows Server.

The target audience for this document is technical support staff with an intermediate knowledge with Windows 2000.


Download the Application

SmartSimple technical support will provide you with the web location where you can download your copy of SmartSimple.

Download this file and unzip into the required folder.

There will be two folders created within the SmartSimple folder:

  • mysql-4.0.17 - contains MySQL version required.
  • Tomcat - contains Tomcat Application Server.
  • Readme.txt - contains these instructions.

SmartSimple application files are stored within the following folder structure:


Required Changes to Configuration File

You will need to make some changes to the configuration files.


These values must be set when the applicationis first installed.

.UPLOADFOLDER, absolute path of upload folder e.g. "C:SMARTSIMPLE/ROOT/resources/"

This folder is used for files uploaded using the SmartFolders feature.

.SMTPSERVER, the IP address or name of the SMTP server.

This is required to enable the built-in email functions of the application.

Use "" if current computer is to be used as the SMPT server.

Possible Settings Changes Required


Only required if database is not on the same box as the application or if the database username or password is changed.

.user, database user name.

.password, database password.

.database url (if database is not on the same box)


Only required if database is not on the same box as the application or if the database username or passwordis changed.

.dataip, database url

.dbuser, database user name.

.dbpswd, database password.

Launching Database Server

1. Change directory to \SMARTSIMPLE\mysql-4.0.17\bin in command line.

2. Type mysqld-nt

You can also install mysql as an NT service.

Launching Tomcat server

1. Change directory to \SMARTSIMPLE\Tomcat\bin in command line.

2. Type startup.bat

If both launch successful you can access the standard interface or the system administrator interface.

Verifying Operation in Browser

For standard user interface go to:


Standard login screen will be displayed. You can login with your regular username and password.

For System Administrator interface go to:


SmartSimple will supply a password for this entry point.

Machine Dependencies

You will need to make sure that the following software is preloaded on the machine for the application to start.

j2sdk1.4.1_01 or higher.

You will need to make sure the following environmental variable is set:

JAVA_HOME environmental variable set to j2sdk1.4.1_01 folder.

Setting up TomCat 4.1.12 to Run as an NT Service

1. Set NT system environment variables as follows:

CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12 - Set this value to the actual install location of this folder (stored within the SmartSimple folder).

CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xms128m -Xmx512m - Just a memory setting option.

2. Open up a new command prompt to ensure environment variables you just added are active - use the Set command.

3. Run the following (must be all one line so you may have to put text in notepad and then copy):

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe -install Apache-Catalina %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll -Djava.class.path=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar -Dcatalina.home=%CATALINA_HOME% %CATALINA_OPTS% -Xrs -start org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start -stop org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop -out %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\stdout.log -err %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\stderr.log

You will have a problem if there is a space in the name of the folder.

4. Go to Services and Applications in Computer Management and start the service.

If required set the startup type for this service to Automatic

To Uninstall Catalina Service Use

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe -uninstall Apache-Catalina

You should get a message saying that the task was installed successfully.

The service is called Apache-Catalina (name can be changed either in command above or from windows services list (right-click to get properties).

Contact SmartSimple technical support if you have any problems.