Login & Security Settings

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These setting are used to control system security.


Password Policy

The Password Policy is used to control the length and complexity of passwords, password expiration and history, the number of retries that the user is allowed, and the lockout time for the account if they exceed the number of retries. Click here for detailed information.

Email & Email Broadcast Security

The Email & Email Broadcast Security settings are used to control which recipients users are allowed to send email and email broadcasts to based on their role. Click here for detailed information.

User Email Templates

The User Email Templates link is used to manage content for the default new user and request password emails. Click here for details.

Lock System Configurations

The Instance Lock-Down provides the ability to remove access to all settings in your copy of SmartSimple using a global system-lock password. Click here for details on how to use this feature.

Enable SSL

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is an industry standard encryption technique that encrypts all the information transmitted between the user’s browser and the SmartSimple server. Click here for more information.

Web Alias

The web alias defines the prefix to your copy of SmartSimple. Click here for details.

Email Domain

The Email Domain defines the default e-mail domain used when Users log into SmartSimple. This page has more information.

Session Timeout