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Revision as of 12:24, 30 November 2015

What this feature allows

This feature allows admins to select which roles are able to create new personal list views.

This feature enables users who are non-global admins the ability to create new personal list views when viewing a system list view (note: this option will become an "Edit View" button if they are viewing a personal list view).

Global Admins only see the “Edit View” button if they have a role that has “Enable Personal List View” enabled.

Enabling Personal List Views

1. On the Configuration Menu, click Roles and Permissions.
Configuration roles and permissions.png

2. Under the Manager Permission Settings click System Permissions.
Manager permissions System permissions.png

3. From the Permissions list, select Enable Personal List View
Enable personal list view.png

4. Add check boxes to all roles who will be allowed to create personal listviews.

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save

Images of option based on role

Non-global admin view.png
View from non-global admin role with Enable Personal List View enabled.

Global admin view.png

View from global admin role with Enable Personal List View enabled..

See Also