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Web Form Variables

711 bytes added, 15:10, 1 September 2009
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Question Text:
:<font size="3">@P''p''.T''n''@</font>

Response Value:
:<font size="3">@P''p''.Q''n''@</font>

Response variable name:
:<font size="3">[@''variablename''@] </font>

* ''p'' is the page number
* ''n'' is the question number

*Page 1, question 1 text

* Page 2, question 1 response value

* The variable name of the response of a question that asks for first name

* If you use a response variable name, the variable name must be surrounded by square brackets '''[ ]'''
* The default variables are case sensitive when used in the workflow. They must be in '''CAPS'''.

[[Category:Web Forms]][[Category:Variables]]

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