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Web Page View Field Variables

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The [[Web Page View Field]] provides the ability to display a fully formatted document or web page.
In constructing this type of page HTML is used in conjunction with the following variables.
=Variable List=
 <u>'''==Current User Variables'''</u>==
''Note: "me" -- refers to the current user''
<u>'''UTA Level 1@me.type@''' (returns 'User', Sales Opportunity and Job Variables'Local User Administrator' or 'Global User Administrator'</u>)
==UTA Level 1, Sales Opportunity and Job Variables==
'''@name@''' - standard field '''Application Name'''.
'''@status@''' - standard field '''Status'''
'''@typecaption@''' - standard field '''Application Template Type Caption'''. '''@statuscaption@''' - standard field '''Status Caption''' '''@type_lang@''' - standard field '''Application Template Type (Based on user language setting)'''. '''@status_lang@''' - standard field '''Status (Based on user language setting)''' '''@description@'''
'''@modifiedby@''' / '''@modifiedbyid@'''
'''@jobquestions@''' - displays as combo boxes
Example: '''@owner.fullname@''' or '''@owner.address@'''
Example: '''@peopleperson.fullname@''' or '''@peopleperson.address@'''
Example: '''''' or '''@company.address@'''
Example ''''''
Example: '''''' or '''@branch.address@'''
'''@apptype@''' the Application ID (appid) of the UTA.
<u>'''==UTA Level 2 / Activities Variables'''</u>==
'''@eownerid@''' - userid of the owner
<u>'''==UTA Level 2 variables called from UTA Level 3'''</u>== If your '''Web Page View''' is When working at Level 3, you can call Level 2 variables using:
'''@parent.'''''fieldname'''''@''' or '''@parent.#'''''fieldid'''''#@''' (Note: All field names should be entirely lower case.)
<u>'''UTA Level 1 variables called from UTA Level 3'''</u>
If your '''Web Page View''' is at Level 3, you can call Level ` 1 variables using:
'''@parent.parent.'''''fieldname'''''@''' or '''@parent.parent.#'''''fieldid'''''#@''' (Note: All field names should be entirely lower case.)
<u>'''Level 3 Associated Parent (Opportunity) '''</u>
Where Payment Allocation is enabled you have two models to choose from before configuring: usually the Associated Parent is a Funding Stream of Overall Budget (event) and the associated object is the Disbursement (Level 3). In less granular cases the Associated Parent is the opportunity.
<u>'''Level 3 Associated Parent'''</u>
If Payment Allocation is enabled, you can pull fields from the Associated Parent using the following variable:
If your associated payment is linked to the event you can pull fields from the opporunity using the following variable:
'''@linkparent.''parent''.fieldname@''' So '''@linkparent.''parent''.branch@''' will return: '''SmartSimple Inc.'''
On the company/branch:
'''@linkparent.parent.branch.''Transit''@''' will return: '''''1950'''''
=Field List=
<u>'''People Fields'''</u>
firstname, lastname, fullname, title, email, phone, company, address, address2, city,
province, state, country, postalcode, owner, modifieddate, cost, costunit, type,
resourcename, isrecource, uprefix (prefix), usuffix (suffix), uphoneext (Phone Extension)
<u>'''Company Fields'''</u>
name, address, address2, city, province, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, website
<u>'''Lead Fields'''</u>
status, description, name, phone, fax, address, address2, city, state, province, country,
postalcode, website, firstname, lastname, contactphone, title, email, dat_added
=UTA Contact and Account Variables=
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@owner.''fieldname''@'''</span>
Person (Level 1 only):
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@person.''fieldname'''''@</span>
Assigned (Level 2 only):
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@assigned.''fieldname''@'''</span>
Company (Level 1 only):
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@client.''fieldname''@'''</span>
Use @client.categoryids@ to return a list of [[Determining the categoryid|category IDs]] - comma delimited - note the leading comma - e.g. ",1234,555,666,"
Use @client.categories@ to return a list of category names - comma delimited e.g. "Agency,Marketing,Good client"
==Level 1 Contacts/Accounts==
To display information for a <u>single</u> contact/account in the Level 1 contacts/accounts section:
:<span style="font -size="3: medium;">'''@contact.''rolename.fieldname''@ ''' </fontspan> &nbsp; or &nbsp; <span style="font -size="3: medium;"> '''@company.''rolename.fieldname''@'''</fontspan>'''where:'''
* '''where:'rolename''* rolename = the name of the role that has been assigned to the contact/account on the Level One item* ''fieldname '' = the name of the field that is located on the contact's record.
''@contact.adjuster.firstname@'' or ''@company.funding agency.address@''
@contact.adjuster.firstname@ or @company.funding agency.address@ Note: if there is more than one contact/account assigned with the rolename specified , only one will be displayed.
To display a list of multiple contacts/accounts in the Level 1 contacts/accounts section:
:<font size="3">[#(?object=contact;) ~fieldname~ #] </font> or <font size="3"> [#(?object=company;) ~fieldname~ #] </font>
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=contact) ~''fieldname''~ #]''' </span> or <span style="font-size: medium;"> '''[#(?object=company) ~''fieldname''~ #]''' </span>
See [[#To display a list of Activities (Level 2 or 3), Notes, Contacts or Companies|below]] for details on how to filter and sort the list(s).
* '''Note''': to display the role that the contact or account is assigned on the Level 1 record use: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''~role~'''</span>
* '''Note''': to display the name of the contact's company use: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''~companyname~'''</span>
==Level 2 Contacts/Accounts==
To display information for a <u>single</u> contact in the Level 2 contacts section:
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@contacts.''rolename.fieldname''@''' </span>
* ''rolename'' = the name of the role that has been assigned to the contact on the Level Two item
* ''fieldname'' = the name of the field that is located on the contact's record.
Note: if there is more than one contact assigned with the rolename specified, only one will be displayed.
To display a list of the contacts assigned at Level 2:
:<font size="3">[#(?object=contact;) ~firstname~ ~lastname~ ~email~ #]</font>
Note: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=contact) ~firstname~ ~lastname~ ~email~ #]'''</span>To display only contacts assigned at Level 2 with a specific role/roles (only relevant if the Level 2 Multiple Contact List is enabled) : <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=contact::criteria=roleid=12345) ~firstname~ ~lastname~ ~email~ #]'''</span>To get the intersection record identifier (equivalent to ~oprid~ at Level 1) (i.e. for use in [[Pandora]] functions) : <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=contact) ~lnkid~ #]'''</span>To display the contact's profile status: : <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=contact) ~firstname~ ~lastname~ ~ustatusid~ #]'''</span>'''Notes:''' * Contacts at level 2 cannot be filtered by rolename, only roleid* If the multiple contact list is enabled use '''~role~''' to display the assigned role.
To display information for a <u>single</u> account in the Level 2 accounts section:
:<span style="font -size="3: medium;">'''@companies.''rolename.fieldname''@'''</fontspan>To display a list of the companies assigned at Level 2:
Note: The Account standard field is only available at Level 2 when <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=company::orderby=name)~name~ #]'''</span>To get the Multiple Account list is enabledintersection record identifier (i. See e. for use in [[Relating Contacts and Accounts to the Universal Tracking Application#The Account List Field|herePandora]].functions)
Note: It <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=company) ~clnkid~ #]'''</span>'''Notes:''' :* The Account standard field is not currently possible to display a only available at Level 2 when the Multiple Account list of is enabled. See [[Relating Contacts and Accounts to the Universal Tracking Application#The Account List Field|here]] for Level 2details.
==To display Level 1 Company Role or Contact Role custom fields==
<span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=company;)$?opc_''customfieldid''$#]'''</span> or <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=contact;)$?opr_''customfieldid''$#]'''</span>
<font size="3">[#(?object=company;)$?opc_customfieldid$#]</font> or <font size="3">[#(?object=contact;)$?opr_customfieldid$#]</font>
* customfieldid = the numeric id of the custom field
'''Note:''' for level 2 records (when the multiple contact/company list(s) are enabled) use $?opr2_''customfieldid''$ and $?opc2_''customfieldid''$
Following the same format above, you can also reference custom fields on the company role using the @#field id#@ syntax.
~ucity~, ~ustate~ ~upostalcode~
==To display a list of Activities Company Association or Contact Association fields==The syntax for extracting information on the entity to which they are associated is as follows . . . <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=association)~name~ ~standard field name~ $?afc_custom field id$ $?afc_custom field name$#]<br /><br />'''[#(Level 2 or 3?object=companyassociation)~standard field name~ $custom field id$ $custom field name$#]'''</span> '''where:''' * standard field name = name of the standard field* custom field id = the numeric id of the custom field* custom field name = the name of the custom field  The syntax for extracting information on fields that are on the intersection, Notesrather than the entity to which they are associated, Contacts is as follows . . . <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=association) ~afcompanyid~ #]<br /><br />'''[#(?object=companyassociation)~afroleid~ #]'''</span>  Other '''intersection''' specific variables options include: * ~afcid~: association (intersection) record id.* ~afcompanyid~: [[companyid]] of associated company* ~afcontactid~: [[userid]] of associated contact* ~afroleid~: [[roleid]] of association* ~afstartdate~: start date of association* ~afenddate~: end date of association ==Role Based Custom Fields==When you have a [[Custom Field]] such as a [[Web Page View]] or Companies=[[MS Word Merge]] that is located <u>'''on'''</u> a User Role or Company Role you can access:
'''object= [activity/contact/user/company/notes/association/transaction or level-[UTA]] Level 1]'''Information::Note: ''level-1'' can only be used as an object when referenced from a contact record.
: <pre><table>[#(?objectspan style=object"font-size: medium;orderby=field)<tr><td">~field~'''@levelone.''fieldname''@'''</tdspan>or <td>~field~</td><td>~field~</td><td>$customfield id$</td></tr>#]</tablespan style="font-size: medium;">'''@levelone.''customfieldid''@'''</prespan>Contact Information:
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@contact.''fieldname''@'''</span> or <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@contact.''customfieldid''@'''</span>Company Information: : <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@company.''fieldname''@'''</span> or <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@company.''customfieldid''@'''</span>When you want to refer to a User Role based [[Custom Field]] '''Example<u>from</u>''' a [[UTA]] Level 1 record use the following syntax:Owner: : <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@owner.''fieldname''@'''</span>Person: : <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@person.''fieldname''@'''</span>Contact: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@contact.''rolename''.''fieldname''@'''<pre/span> : ''where rolename is the role they are assigned on the Level 1 record''=To Display a List of Activities, Notes, Transactions, Contacts, Companies, Consumers, Providers===Syntax==: <tablespan style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=''objectname''::{options})~''standardfieldname''~ $''customfieldname''$#]'''</span>'''Where:''' :* ''objectname'' is the name of the item to be listed.:: Either: '''address, activity, assign, contact, user, group, company, notes, association, companyassociation, transaction, timesheet''', '''level-1''', '''utaproviderL1''', '''utaproviderL2''', '''utaconsumerL1''', '''utaconsumerL2''' or '''linkactivity''': :* ''standardfieldname'' is the name of a standard field (between tildes, ~):* ''customfieldname'' is the name of a custom field (between dollar signs, $) '''Notes:''' :* You can refer to [[Custom Fields]] in the list using the Custom Field ID instead of the field name, still between dollar signs ('''$12345$'''):* '''level-1''' can only be used as an object when referenced from a contact record. Also '''level-1''' will only list the level 1s that the contact has been added to in the contacts section.:* You can include text as well as variables within the [#...#] syntax.:* When using this syntax for [[Web Page View]]s, [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variables]] etc. you will usually want to include HTML table formatting within the '''[#...#]''' syntax (see examples below). For [[MS Word Merge]] custom fields the table defined on the MS Word Template document, with the columns delimited by pipes (|) within the '''[#...#]'''.:* '''~Index~''' can be used to number the lines (1, 2, 3...) '''Note:''' ~index~ does not work for all lists. For example, it cannot be used when listing contacts associated with a Level 1.:** ''~Index~'' (upper case 'I') starts numbering at 1, ''~index~'' (lower case 'i') starts numbering at 0.~eventid~ will display the id of the level 2.  '''Options:''' {| class="wikitable"|-||'''Option'''||'''Effect'''|-||<span style="font-size: medium;">orderby=''standardfieldname''</span>||Sorts the list in ascending order by the standard field specified|-||<span style="font-size: medium;">orderby=startdate''standardfieldname'' desc</span>||Sorts the list in descending order by the standard field specified|-||<span style="font-size: medium;">orderby=tbl_''customfieldid''.valuestr</span>||Sorts the list in ascending order by the custom field specified|-||<span style="font-size: medium;">criteria=''standardfieldname''='''value'''</span>||Filters the list by the standard field and value specified|-||<span style="font-size: medium;">criteria=tbl_''customfieldid''.valuestr='''value'''</span>||Filter the list by the custom field and value specified|-||<span style="font-size: medium;">criteria=(''standardfieldname''='''value''' or ''standardfieldname''='''value''')<tr/span>||For multiple criteria when '''either''' conditional criteria can apply|-||<tdspan style="font-size: medium;">~subject~criteria=(''standardfieldname''='''value''' AND ''standardfieldname''='''value''')</tdspan>||For multiple criteria when '''both''' conditional criteria must apply|-||<tdspan style="font-size: medium;">~location~groupfunction=''aggregatefunction''</tdspan>||Performs specified aggregate function on the listed fields<tdbr />Ex. sum, count, countdistinct|} * ''multiple options (i.e. a criteria and an orderby option) can be included, separated by doubled colons (::)'' '''Important:''' Any custom fields that you use as criteria or orderby '''must''' appear in the display. If you do not wish to display the field you can place it in a comment. (i.e.: &lt;!--$12343$-->) However, if referencing a field as a property of a table you must show the value. '''Examples:''' * To generate a list of Level 2 activities for a [[MS Word Merge]]:  [#(?object=activity)|~statusname~|~typename~|$speciality$|$123456$|#]:: ''See [[MS Word Merge]] for further details on including tables on MS Word Merge documents'': :* To reference the Consumer UTA Level 1 owner name and ownerid from a Provider UTA Level 1 Read Only - System Variable custom field  [#(?object=utaconsumer::criteria=statusname IN ('Placed','Resigned/Terminated'))~startdateownername~,~ownerid~#] :* To Display custom fields via List Syntax for Invoicing (objectname=appliedtoinvoices). Grabbing a custom field value off the invoice (ie. 282588) and into an adjustment. </tdpre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Example: [#(?object=appliedtoinvoices)$282588$#]</trpre>::: ''Note: refer to the custom field by the number ONLY, do not use the custom field name.''  :* To generate a list of all contacts for a [[Web Page View]] or [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variables]] custom field (note that the HTML table formatting is included within the '''[#...#]''' syntax) [#(?object=contact) #] {||-!|First Name!|Last Name!|E-mail Address!|Cell Phone Number|-||~firstname~||~lastname~||~email~||$Cell Phone$|} ::: ''Note: The first line creates a header row for the table'':* For a list of Level 2 (or Level 3) activities sorted by Start Date in descending order: [#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate desc)#] {||-||~subject~||~location~||~startdate~|}  :* For a list of contacts assigned to a Level 1 with the role of "Internal People", sorted by surname: [#(?object=contact::orderby=lastname::criteria=rolename='Internal People')#] {||-||~firstname~||~lastname~||~email~|} :* For a list of level 1 records, including owner details, that a Company has been asssigned to: [#(?(object =level-1) NAME: ~name~ OWNERID: ~ownerid~ OWNERNAME: ~ownername~ #] :* To display the level 1 ID of the level 1 records: [#(?(object =level-1) OPPORTUNITY ID: ~op.opportunityid as oppid~ #]   :* For a list of all companies that the owner of a [[UTA]] record is associated with:  @owner.[#(?object=association)~name~ (Phone ~phone~) #]@  :* To get a comma-separated list of the companyids of all the companies the current user is associated with with roleid 54545:  ,@me.[#(?object=association::criteria=roleid=54545)~afcompanyid~,#]@  :* For a list of all contacts associated to the current user's parent company record (associated to the company with [[roleid]] 12345):  @me.parent.[#(?object=association::criteria=roleid='12345')~firstname~ ~lastname~ (Phone ~phone~) #]@ :* For a list of a company's Active(current date is between start and end date) associations:  [#(?object=association::criteria=(afstartdate is null OR afstartdate<='@date(currentdate)@') AND (afenddate is null OR afenddate>='@date(currentdate)@'))~userid~,#] :* For a list of all contacts/table> users located under a company with a given role  [#(?object=user::criteria=rolelist like '%,12345,%') ~email~ #]  :* To count the number of contacts assigned with the role of Reviewer:  [#(?object=contact::criteria=rolename="Reviewer"::groupfunction=count)~userid~#]  :* To include and format a date stored in a custom field (see also [[sscalculation]])
<tablepre>[#(?object=contact;orderby=lastnameactivity)<tr><td>~firstname~</td><td>~lastname~</td><td>~email~</td></tr!--@sscalculation(date_format("$fieldname$","%M %d, %Y"))-->#]</tablepre>
<table>[#(?object=contact;orderby=lastname;criteria=rolename='Internal People')<tr><td>~firstname~</td><td>~lastname~</td><td>~email~</td></tr>#]</table>
<table>[#(?object=contact;orderby=lastname;criteria=rolename='Internal People')<tr><td>~firstname~</td><td>~lastname~</td><td>~email~</td><td>~role~</td></tr>#]</table>:* With Multiple Criteria:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=contact::criteria=(rolename='External' or rolename='Internal'))~firstname~ ~lastname~#]
*Note: Search results normally display in ascending order. You may use '''desc''' option to display results in descending order.
<table>[#(?object=activity;orderby=startdate desc)<tr><td>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>#]</table>
Results will be sorted on Startdate in Descending order:* To sort descending by a custom field called ''Total Hours'' with a custom field id of ''67292'': <pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=activity::orderby=tbl_67292.valuestr desc)Subject: ~subject~Total Hours: $Total Hours$Start Date: ~startdate~#]
'''With Multiple CriteriaNote:''' ''$Total Hours$'' in the list could be listed as ''$67292$'' with the same result.   :* To sort descending reviews in a specific status by a custom field on a separate UTA Level 1 field called ''$Staff Final Score$'' with a custom field id of ''1584168''in numeric order: <prestyle="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=contact;utaconsumerL1::orderby=tbl_15868.valuestr*1::criteria=(rolename='External' or rolenamestatusname='InternalMember Review'))<tr><td>~firstname~ ~lastname~</td></tr>#]
'''Note:''' ''$Staff Final Score$'' in the list could be listed as ''$15868$'' with the same result.
'''To sort on custom field''':
[#(?object=activity;orderby=tbl_custom field id.valuestr)<tr><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>#]
e.g. where custom field id:* To list a specific activity type only: <pre style=999999"white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate::criteria=typename='This Activity Type')~subject~~location~~startdate~#]
'''To list a specific activity type only''':
e.g. where typename:* To list activities based on the [[Determining the typeid|type ID]] ('''Level 2 and Level 3 only'''): [#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate::criteria=typeid='activity name24160')#] {||-||~subject~||~location~||~startdate~|}  :* To include a hyperlink to the object (for Accounts):
[#(?object=activity;orderby=startdate;company::criteria=typeidrolename=''"Cooperating Organization")<tr><td>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>#]
e{||-||[s_viewcompany.g. where typeidjsp?companyid='141414'</pre>~companyid~ ~name~]||~role~|}
'''To list activity based on a specific status name or status id''':
e.g. where statusname=':* To list activities based on status name':
e.g. where'1234'</pre>{||-||~subject~||~location~||~startdate~|}
'''To format the start date and start time''':
~date_format(startdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as startdate~</pre>
:* To list activities based on the status ID ('''orLevel 2 and Level 3 only'''<pre>~date_format(startdate,'%h):%i %p') as starttime~</pre>
*Note[#(?object=activity:: If you wish to use ''"orderby=startdate"'', along with a date format other than yyyy-mm-dd you must use a slightly different syntax::criteria=status.*Using ''"~date_format(startdate,'%d-%m-%Y') as startdate~"'' when using ''"orderbystatusid=startdate"'24160' will cause the date to be ordered by dd-mm-yyyy (rather than yyyy-mm-dd, which is chronological)#]
*To avoid this, change ''"date_format(startdate,'%d{||-%m-%Y') as '''||~subject~||~location~||~startdate'''"'' to ''"date_format(startdate,'%d-%m-%Y') as '''sdate'''"''~|}
:* To list UTA Providers:
'''To list level two entity at level one using level two fieldname instead of customfield <pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=utaproviderL1::criteria=rolename="Panel") ~name~ ~typename~ ~statusname~ ~enddate~ $Panel Review Date$ $Panel ID'''</pre>
<!--@sscalculation(@xml.XML Field.People.Person[#(?objectcriteria=activity;criteria"~type.nodevalue~" =typeid='19997';"A") 1+#]@ 0)<tr--><td>~index~</tdpre><tdpre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Folder</tdlt;br><td>$Field Name$#]</tdpre>  :* To list notes (from the record that contains the notes): <tdpre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">$customfieldID$</td><td>$customfieldID$</td></tr> [#(?object=notes::orderby=createddate desc)~notes~~createddate~~username~#]
::: ''Note: This syntax is for "Public (Default)" notes only, not custom note types.
::* To list all companies under a parent company record:
[#(?object=company) ~name~ #]
::* To list all L3 allocations within a L2 budget record:
[#(?object=linkactivity) ~subject~ #]
'''To list notes (from the record that contains the notes):'''
[@(?object=notes;orderby=createddate desc)<tr><td>~notes~</td><td>~createddate~</td><td>~username~</td></tr>@]
::''Note: This syntax is for "Public (Default)" notes only, not custom note types.
::* To sum or count all the L3 allocations from the budget L2 record:
@linkactivity.sum(...)@ or @linkactivity.count(...)@
'''To list level 2 notes for each level 2 record at level 1:
 <prestyle="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=activity;::orderby=startdate desc)<tr><td>~subject~</td><td>~description~</td><td>~startdate~</td><td><table>[@(?object=notes;::orderby=createddate desc)@]<tr><td/pre>{||-||~notes~</td><td>||~createddate~</td><td>||~username~</td></tr>@]</table></td>|}</trpre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">#]
::::''Note: This syntax is for "Public (Default)" notes only, not custom note types.'''To do a sum of all the unpaid payment transaction: {||-||Total Paid: [#(?object=transaction::criteria=trstranstype=11 and tbl_1145339.valuestr='Paid'::groupfunction=sum)$1145183$ <!--"145339$-->#] Note: $1145339$ - Status of payment $1145183$ - Payment Amount|} ==Referencing Standard Fields of UTA Providers=={| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Level 1 Field Name and Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||Application Name||~name~|-||Type Name||~typename~|-||Type ID||~type~|-||Status Name||~statusname~|-||Status ID||~statusid~|-||Start Date||~startdate~|-||End Date||~enddate~|-||Close Date||~closedate~|-||Branch||''No variables''|-||Branch ID||~branchid~|-||Currency||''No variables''|-||Exchange Currency||''No variables''|-||Currency Exchange Rate||''No variables''|-||Customer||~client~|-||Customer ID||~companyid~|-||Modified By||''No variables''|-||Modified Date||''No variables''|-||Owner (full name)||~ownername~|-||Owner (userid)||~updatedby~|-||Person (full name)||''No variables''|-||Person (userid)||~oppeopleid~|-||Role Name||~rolename~|-||Role ID||~conroleid~|} '''Example:''' <pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=utaproviderL1) ~typename~ | ~statusname~ <br />#]</pre> {| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Level 2 Field Names and Variables List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||Activity Type||~typename~|-||Activity Type ID||~typeid~|-||Owner||~ownername~|-||Owner ID||~eownerid~|-||Assigned People||''No variables''|-||Status||~statusname~|-||Status ID||~statusid~|-||Subject||~subject~|-||Description||~description~|-||Location||~location~|-||Amount||~eamount~|-||Start Date||~startdate~|-||End Date||~enddate~|-||Opportunity ID||~cevconoppid~|-||Event ID||~cevprovevtid~|-||Rolename||~rolename~|-||Role ID||~cevroleid~|} '''Example:'''
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=utaproviderL2) ~typename~ | ~statusname~ <br />#]</pre>
If you have multiple different UTAs connected as providers, you  can use criteria to filter:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=How to display level three activities at level one in the Web Page ViewutaproviderL1::criteria=provappid="12345") ~typename~ | ~statusname~ <br />#]</pre>
When displaying a list of ==To Format the Start Date or Start Time==::: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''Level 2~date_format(startdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as startdate~''' activities using the [ # (?object</span>:::: or::: <span style=object"font-size: medium;orderby=field) # ] processor">'''~date_format(startdate, the corresponding '%h:%i %p''Level 3) as starttime~''' activities can now be displayed under each of the parent </span>'''Level 2Note:''' activities by using [ @ (?object=object;orderby=field) @ ].
This new feature allows level one web page fields :::* If you wish to display level 3 items. This use ''"orderby=startdate"'', along with a date format other than yyyy-mm-dd you must use a type slightly different syntax for displaying level 2 items. <pre><table border=1>[#:::* Using ''"~date_format(?object=activity;orderby=startdate,'%d-%m-%Y')<tr><td colspanas startdate~"'' when using ''"orderby=2>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>#]</table> </pre> This "'' will cause the date to be ordered by dd-mm-yyyy (rather than yyyy-mm-dd, which is the syntax showing level 3 items inside level 2 items.chronological) <pre><table border=1>[#:::* To avoid this, change ''"date_format(?object=activity;orderby=startdate,'%d-%m-%Y') <tr><td colspan=2>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~as '''startdate~</td></tr><tr><td> <table bgcolor='''"00FFFF'' to ''"> [@date_format(?object=activity;orderby=startdate,'%d-%m-%Y')<tr><td>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>@] </table></td></tr> #]</table> as '''sdate'''"''
</pre>==Displaying Both Level 2 and Level 3 Activities at Level 1==When displaying a list of '''Level 2''' activities using the '''[#(?object=activity;)...#]''' syntax, the corresponding '''Level 3''' activities can be displayed under each of the parent '''Level 2''' activities.
==How to display Level 3 Activities at Level 1 using Read Only-System Variable Field in Web Page View==
The '''To facilitate this you must create a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only'''-System Variable ]] field can now be used in the '''Web Page Viewat''' fieldLevel 2 that contains the list of Level 3 activities, formatted and filtered as desired.
This is useful for displaying :::: '''Level 3''' activities at You can use [[Visibility Condition]]s, [[Role Field Permissions]] or [[Status Field Permissions]] to prevent the field from being displayed on the '''Level 1''' in a 2 record.'''Web Page ViewExample:''' field.
Currently we can display ::* Create a Level 2 [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only - System Variable]] Custom Field called '''Level 3Activity List''' activities at '''Level 1''' using with the following syntax:
<pre><table border=1>[#@(?object=activity;::orderby=startdatetypename)@] <tr><td colspan=2>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr><tr><td> <table bgcolor="00FFFF"> {|[@(?object=activity;orderby=startdate)<tr>|-<td>||Level 3 Activity: ~subjecttypename~</td><td>||~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>@] |}
</table></td></tr> #Then create either a [[Web Page View]</table> </pre>] or [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only - System Variable]] at Level 1:
[#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate) #]
||Level 2 Activity: ~subject~
| colspan="3"|$Level 3 Activity List$
:::: '''where''' "Level 3 Activity List" is the name you gave the [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variable]] field
This method, however, has the limitation that only '''Level 3''' activities with less than 25 fields can be displayed using this technique.
To display '''===Level 3s with Less Than 25 Fields===If Level 3''' activities that have more has less than 25 fields, the following method it is now availablenot necessary to create a [[Custom Field Type:Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variable]] Custom Field on the Level 2 that lists the Level 3 activities.
1. Create a Instead you can use the following syntax '''Read Only - System Variablewithin''' field at the '''Level 2[#...#]'''.that lists the Level 2 activities:
2. Format the field as you would a ::: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[@(?object=activity)~standardfieldname~ $customfieldname$@]''Web Page View'</span>'' field. For example'Note:'''
<pre><table border=1>[#(?object=activity;orderby=startdate) <tr><td colspan=2>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr>#]</table></pre>::* This syntax will only work if there are '''less than 25 fields at Level 3.'''
::* To display a list of Level 2 activities, including any Level 3. You can now use the field in the Web Page View as you would any other field. For exampleactivities under their parent Level 2 activity:
<pre><table border=1>[#(?object=activity;::orderby=startdate)<tr><td colspan=2>~subject~</td><td>~location~</td><td>~startdate~</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>$123456$</td></tr>#]</table></pre>
=Date/Time Variables===Standard Fields Date/Time=='''The following date variables are available for date format'''::{| border="1" cellpadding="5"|+-|'''Start Date'''||'''End Date'''||'''Close Date'''<br>''Level 1 only''2 Activity: ~subject~||'''Display Format'''~statusname~|+|@~startdate@~||@~enddate@||@closedate@~||2009-01-23|+||@longstartdate@|colspan="3"|[@longenddate(?object=activity;orderby=typename)@]{||@longclosedate@||Friday, January 23, 2009|+-|@fullstartdate@|Level 3 Activity: ~typename~|@fullenddate@|~location~|@fullclosedate@||2009-01-23 15:40:00}
==Displaying a Specific Number of Items in a List==
When you want to display only specific number of activities or transactions in a [[Web Page View]] use the following syntax.
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"> [#(?object=object::orderby=field) <!--@sslogic(~index~='num''To display specific elements of the start date, )--> ~standard field~ $custom field$ <br /> <!--@end date or close date--> #] <br /> </pre>'''where:*'''Note''' :: The ''Start Time'' and ''End Time'' are stored within the ''fullstartdate'' and ''fullenddate'' fields respectively, so are accessed using the variables listed below* num = number of activities that should be displayed =XML Variables===Count how many options were selected==<pre><!--@sscalculation(@xml.XML Field.People.Person[#(?criteria="~type.nodevalue~" == "A") 1+#]@ 0)--></pre>
@month(fullstartdate)@ - month number in ''Start Date''
==Filtered XML display output==<pre>@monthnamexml.XML Field.People.Person[#(fullstartdate?criteria="~type.nodevalue~" == "A")~FirstName.nodevalue~ ~LastName.nodevalue~<br />#]@ - name of month in ''Start Date''</pre>
@day(fullstartdate)@ - day in ''Start Date''
@dayweek(fullstartdate)@ - name of day in =Date/Time Variables===Standard Fields Date/Time==''Start Date'Variable List:'''
::: {| border="1" cellpadding="5"'''Start Date''''''End Date''''''Close Date'''<br />''Level 1 only'''''Modified Date''''''Display Format'''@startdate@@enddate@@closedate@@modifieddate@Date formatted according to user preferences (At Level 1 Modified Date also includes the time: 15:40)@longstartdate@@longenddate@@longclosedate@@longmodifieddate@Friday, January 23, 2009@fullstartdate@@fullenddate@@fullclosedate@@fullmodifieddate@2009-01-23 15:40:00@datetime(fullstartdate)@@datetime(fullenddate)@@datetime(fullclosedate)@@datetime(fullmodifieddate)@2009-01-23 15:40:00@yeardate(fullstartdate)@ @date(fullenddate)@@date(fullclosedate)@@date(fullmodifieddate)@2009- year in ''Start Date''01-23
@hour(fullstartdate)@ - returns the hour in ''Start Time'' using 12 hour clock (0-12)
@ampm(fullstartdate)@ to provide a reference for am/pm for ''Start Time''
@hour24(fullstartdate)@ - returns the hour in ::* '''Note''': ''Start Time'' and ''End Time'' are stored within the ''fullstartdate'' and ''fullenddate'' fields respectively. They can be accessed and formatted using 24 hour clock (0-24)the variables elements listed below.
@minute(fullstartdate)@ - returns the minute in '''To display specific elements of the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time, Close Date, Modified Date''':
::: {| border="1" cellpadding="5"@month(seconds are not available fullstartdate)@month number in ''Start Date''@monthname(fullstartdate)@name of month in ''Start Date''@day(fullstartdate)@day in ''Start Date''@dayweek(fullstartdate)@name of day in ''Start Date''@year(fullstartdate)@year in ''Start Date''@hour(fullstartdate)@hour in ''Start Time'' using 12 hour clock (0-12)@ampm(fullstartdate)@AM or PM reference for standard date/time fields''Start Time''@hour24(fullstartdate)@hour in ''Start Time'' using 24 hour clock (0-24)@minute(fullstartdate)@minute in ''Start Time''
::: '''Note:''' For '''End Date''', '''Close Date''' or '''Modified Date''' replace '''fullstartdate''' with '''fullenddate''', '''fullclosedate''' or '''fullmodifieddate''' respectively.'''
::: ''(seconds are not available for standard date/time fields)''
::: ''('''Close Date''' does not have a time associated with it)
::* To display the Start Date in the format '''February 22, 1985''' you would use:
* To display the Start Date in the format ''"February 22, 1985"'' you would use:
@monthname(fullstartdate)@ @day(fullstartdate)@, @year(fullstartdate)@
::* To display the Start End Time in the format ''"'06:45PM"''' you would use:  @hour(fullstartdatefullenddate)@:@minute(fullstartdatefullenddate)@@ampm(fullstartdatefullenddate)@
==Current Date/Time==
'''The following date variables are also availableVariable List:''' :::{| border="1" cellpadding="5"|+!Variable!!Content!!Display!!Comment|+||VariableContentDisplayComment@datetime(currentdate)@current date and time as for yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss2013-01-22 17:55:22See also [[Obtain Server Date and Time]]@date(currentdate)@||current date||2009 as for yyyy-mm-dd2013-05-17&nbsp;@currentdate@current date2009 January 25||&nbsp;|+||@now@||current date and time||2009 time2009 August 25 11:05AM||Workflows 05AMWorkflows only. Not available within [[UTA]]s|}
'''To display specific elements of the current date or time''':
::: {| border="1" cellpadding="5"@month(currentdate)@ - current month number@monthname(currentdate)@name of current month@day(currentdate)@current day@dayweek(currentdate)@name of current day@year(currentdate)@current year@hour(currentdate)@current hour using 12 hour clock (0-12)@ampm(currentdate)@AM or PM reference for current time@hour24(currentdate)@current hour using 24 hour clock (0-24)@minute(currentdate)@current minute ::: (seconds are not available for the current time)'''Examples:''' ::* To display the current date/time in the format '''Friday at 19:55''' you would use:  @dayweek(currentdate)@ at @hour24(currentdate)@:@minute(currentdate)@ ==Custom Fields Date/Time=='''For a custom field on the same level as the Web Page View Field, you can parse out a particular date/time in a date field'''
::: {| border="1" cellpadding="5"VariableContentDisplay@daydate(currentdate''fieldname'')@ custom field date as for yyyy- current daymm-dd2013-05-17
@year(currentdate)@ - current year
@month(''fieldname'')@month number in ''fieldname''05@monthname(''fieldname'')@name of month in ''fieldname''May@day(''fieldname'')@day in ''fieldname''17@dayweek(currentdate''fieldname'')@ - name of current dayin ''fieldname''Friday@year(''fieldname'')@year in ''fieldname''2013@hour(''fieldname'')@hour in ''fieldname'' using 12 hour clock (0-12)12@ampm(''fieldname'')@AM or PM reference for time in ''fieldname''AM@hour24(''fieldname'')@hour in ''fieldname'' using 24 hour clock (0-24)00@minute(''fieldname'')@minute in ''fieldname''00@second(''fieldname'')@second in ''fieldname''00
@monthname(currentdate)@ - name of current month
@hour(currentdate)@ - current hour using 12 hour clock (0-12)'''Examples:'''
@ampm(currentdate)@ to provide a reference for am/pm for current time::* To display the custom field '''Date Of Birth''' in the format '''31-01-2001''' you would use:
@hour24day(currentdatedate of birth)@ - current hour using 24 hour clock @month(0date of birth)@-24@year(date of birth)@
'''Note:'''This syntax will not work for custom fields on a different level. You will not be able to reference, for example, @minuteday(currentdateparent.''fieldname'')@ - current minute. To parse out date/time information from a custom field on a different level, use the [[Sscalculation#Using_sscalculation_to_Change_Date_Formats_of_Data_in_Custom_Fields|sscalculation]] syntax.
(seconds are not available for =Miscellaneous Variables===Adding an image from Upload fields==Users can return image thumbnails or meta data from multiple file fields using the current time)list syntax below":
::* Show thumbnail image using thunbnailpath option: <pre>@multi file name.template[# <img src="~thumbnailpath~" alt=Custom Fields Date"" width="240" /> #]@</pre> ::* Show thumbnail image and file name using filepath option: <pre>@multi file name.template[# <img src="~filepath~/thumbnail/?maxwidth=240" alt="" width="240" />~filename~#]@</pre> ::* Show thumbnail image and file name using compressedpath option: <pre>@multi file name.template[# <img src="~compressedpath~/thumbnail/?maxwidth=240" alt="" width="240" />~filename~#]@</pre> ::* Show file name, size and upload date: <pre>@multi file name.template[# ~filename~, ~filesize~, ~uploaddate~#]@</pre>  ==Adding a File Upload button==To display a button to upload to a [[Single File]] or [[Multiple Files]] custom field: ::* Single File:::: <span style="font-size: medium;"><input class="Button" type="button" value="Button Label" /></span>:: ::* Multiple Files:::: <span style="font-size: medium;"><input class="Button" type="button" value="Button Label." /></Timespan>'''where:''':: ::* ''customfieldid'' = the field id of the Single or Multiple file custom field (without '''cf_''') '''Example:'''  <input class="Button" type="button" value="Multiple files..." /> '''Note:''' if adding to a [[Web Page View]] you will need to add the following to the page: <pre>function include_dom(script_filename) { var html_doc = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); var js = document.createElement('script'); js.setAttribute('language', 'javascript'); js.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); js.setAttribute('src', script_filename); html_doc.appendChild(js); return false;}function includejsfiles() { include_dom("/validate.js");}</pre>You will also have to call the ''includejsfiles'' function in the body onload:     '''Alternatively:''' You may also use @fieldname.uploadlink@ to get the url for the upload page and construct your own function to open the window. '''Example:'''  <input class="Button" type="button" value="Upload" /><pre>function openupload(url){ upload_window =,'upload_window', 'menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=800,height=600,status=no,resizable=yes,dependent=yes,alwaysRaised=yes'); upload_window.opener = window; upload_window.focus();}</pre>
'''You can parse out a particular date/time in a date fieldNote:''':this method will only open the single file upload page.
@year(''fieldname'')@ - returns ==Displaying a Dynamic Data Grid field==To show a [[Custom Field Type: Dynamic Data – Data Grid|Dynamic Data – Data Grid]] field in a webpage view field use the year value in ''fieldname''following syntax:
@month(::: <span style="font-size: medium;">''fieldname'')@ - returns the month value in 'fieldname.table'fieldname''@</span>==Retrieving History for Fields with Track Changes Enabled==The following syntax is used to retrieve standard or custom field history:
@day(''fieldname'')@ - returns For the day value in ''fieldname''[[Status]] standard field:
::: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@hourHistoryOf(status)@''fieldname'</span>::: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@HistoryOf(statuscaption)@ '''</span>For a [[Custom Field]]:::: <span style="font- returns the hour value in size: medium;">'''@HistoryOf(''customfieldid'')@'''</span>OR::: <span style="font-size: medium;">'fieldname'' using 12 hour clock @HistoryOf(0-12''customfieldname'')@'''</span>'''Notes:''':::* ''HistoryOf'' is case sensitive.:::* See the [[HistoryOf function]] page for a complete description of this variable and its uses.
<!--:::* You can only obtain the history of the Status field and [[Custom Fields]] in this way.-->==For Hybrid Sign-Up Pages==::: The @ampm(''fieldname'')user_input_form@ to provide will display the associated user sign up form on a reference for am/pm for ''fieldname''company sign up page if included in the HTML template of the company sign up page.
@hour24(''fieldname'')@ - returns the hour value in ''fieldname'' using 24 hour clock (0-24)
==Currency Format==::: You can use the following syntax to format a custom field with currency: @minuteformat(''fieldname''L2 Subcontract total y1,currency,USD,2)@ - returns the minute value . The last parameter can be changed from 2 to 0 to display as a whole number.==Session Variables==When using features such as Organization Switching, you may want to pull in ''fieldname''specific data based on your current session.
@second(:: Company Fields: '''@sessioncompany.fieldname@'')'Example: - returns would return the Company Name of the second value organization you are currently logged in ''fieldname''as.
==Hide a variable if it is missing==
Put the following in front of variable name.
::: <span style==How to hide a variable if it is missing=="font-size: medium;">'''&lt;!--hideifnotfound-->'''</span>'''Example''':
Put '''&lt;!--hideifnotfound-->''' in front of variable name.*Example:<pre> <!--hideifnotfound-->
'''Note:''' the variable and the &lt;!--hideifnotfound--> and the variable must be in immediate succession, and not separated by a space.
==How to display different content based on a value using SSlogic==
::* The content to be displayed (the middle line) can either be in plaintext or in HTML.::* Be sure there are single quotes around the variable and value.::* SSlogic does not support nested logic statements.
::* The following will display a Christmas tree image if the month is December:
* The following will display a Christmas tree image if the month is December:
<img src='"images/xmasstree.jpg'" alt="" />
'''See [[SSlogic|See here]] for more information and further examples.''' 
==How to display check boxes in the Web Page View==
To display Select Many - Check Box type custom fields as check boxes in a web page view add '''@checkbox('fieldname/fieldnumber','option name')@''' to the check box control.
This syntax works if the check boxes are on the same level. or
'''Example:'''  <pre><input type="checkbox" @checkbox('12345','yes')@/>
:::See Also: [[Updateable Web Page View Fields]] if you wish the Web Page View check boxes to have the ability to change the underlying data.==How to display level two check boxes on level one in the Web Page View==@checkboxvalue(id values to be checked)@  <input name="checkboxb20" type="checkbox" value="Limited community support" />
==How to display level two check boxes on level one in the Web Page View==
@checkboxvalue(id||values to be checked)@
<input type=::* Use two "checkbox'''|'''" name="checkboxb20" value="Limited community support" @checkboxvalue($1199639$||Limited community supportpipes)@> to separate '''id''' and '''value''' to be checked
* Use two "'''|'''" (pipes) to separate '''id''' and '''value''' to be checked
where 1199639 is customfield id
if it is used on the same level '''@1199639@'''
==How to suppress the Page Footer with Printing the Page==
To suppress the footer when printing the page you need to change your browser settings.
3. If required, change the margins.
==How to control print behaviorbehaviour== 
'''To define a page break place the following code in the HTML source before the content you deem as the next page''':
<div style="PAGE-BREAK-AFTER: always"><br style="height:0; line-height:0"></div>
'''To change the page orientation to landscape first place the following in the header portion (<head></head>) of the HTML''':
<style type="text/css" media="print"> {
writing-mode: tb-rl;
height: 80%;
margin: 10% 0%;
margin-right: 80pt;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(Rotation=1);
'''Then place <pre><div class="page"></div> </pre>in the HTML source around the "page" content.'''
Example: <pre><div class="page">This is the page content that needs to be in landscape</div></pre>
Please note that '''To change the page orientation control only works with Internet Explorer and is not to landscape first place the greatest quality print due to following in the page being converted to an image then rotated.header portion ('''
==How to control print behavior when saving as a PDF==''') of the HTML''':
To define a page break in a PDF add '''<strong>Then place'''<pd4ml:page.break/strong> before the content you deem as the next page.
To change the orientation of a page to landscape in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break pageFormat="rotate"pre> </pre> before '''in the content you deem as HTML source around the next "page" content.'''Example:
<div class==How "page">This is the page content that needs to be in landscape</div>Please note that the page orientation control only works with Internet Explorer and is not the greatest quality print due to the page being converted to display a Dynamic Data grid field==an image then rotated.
==How to control print behaviour when saving as a PDF==To show the data grid field define a page break in a PDF add before the webpage view field use content you deem as the syntax '@fieldname.table@'next page.
To change the orientation of a page to landscape in a PDF add before the content you deem as the next page.
::* See [[PDF Writer Custom Tags]] for further [[PDF]] formatting options
==How to display specific number of activities or transactions=Troubleshooting=When you want to display only specific number of activities or transactions from underlying level, use ::* '''Issue''': 2 variables run together (thus removing the following syntax.<pre> [#(?object=object;orderby=fieldending @ and beginning @) <!-::* '''Resolution''': Place a non-@sslogicbreaking space tag (~index~='num'&amp;nbsp;)--> ~standard field~ $custom field$ <br /> <!--@end--> #] <br /> between the variables.
where, num= number of activities that should be displayed
== Role base Web page view field ==
When you have ::** '''Issue''': For a role base web page view field or company based webpage view list of level 2 activities, the code is showing instead of the field headings and values you can access 've designated.::** '''Resolution''': Insert a comment tag before the levelone, contacts, or company informationfirst cell tag. i.e.
@levelone.custom field name<pre> </custom field id@ @levelone.standard field name@pre>
@company.custom field name/custom field id@ @company.standard field name@  @contact.custom fieldname/custom field id@ @contact.standard field name@     == Retrieving Custom Field History == The following syntax is used to retrieve custom field history: For the [[Status]] field: @HistoryOf(status)@ For a [[Custom Field]]: @HistoryOf(#####)@ :''where ##### is the Custom Field ID. (The field name is not accepted in this case.) ==Troubleshooting== * In the event of 2 variables running together (removing the ending @ and beginning @) the issue can be resolved by placing a non-breaking space tag (&nbsp;) in between each other.* For your list of level 2 activities, your code is showing instead of the field headings and values you've designated. Try inserting a comment tag before the first cell tag. i.e.<pre><tr><!--~index~--><td></pre> 
==See Also==
::* [[Root Company Variable]]s::* [[SSlogicsslogic]]::* [[ssattach]]::* [[sscalculation]]::* [[Web Page View Field]]::* [[Attach a PDF to a Web Page View]]::* [[Updateable Web Page View Fields]]::* [[Changing the Status from a Web Page View]]::* [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Web Page View]]::* [[:Category:PDF|PDF Category]]::* [[PDF Writer Custom Tags]]::* [[Adding JavaScript JS files to Web Page View Pages]]::* [[Custom Field ID|Determining the Custom Field ID]]
[[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:Variables]][[Category:JavaScriptPDF]]

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