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93 bytes added, 19:44, 22 July 2009
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* '''Is Default Type''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to select which Type will be the default when a new Level 2 is created.
* '''Display as Tab''' - This Type will be displayed on a separate tab in the list of Level 2 activities at the bottom of a Level 1 record.
::* ''(or in the list of Level 3 activities at the bottom of a Level 2 record)''
* '''Tab Label''' (Level 2 only) - Allows you to define a name for the tab if '''Display as Tab''' is select.
::* ''If you use the same tab name for multiple Types they will appear on the same tab, allowing you to group related Level 2 Types.''
* '''Show External''' (Level 2 only) - This check box indicates if whether or not this type of activity should be shown to external users.
* '''Access Roles''' - Select the [[Role]]s that can create this type of activity.
* '''[[Template / Type Formulas|Level 2 Formula]]''' - A set of expressions used to calculate values when the Level 2 item is saved. Similar to the [[Template / Type Formulas|Level 1 Template]] formula. ''(See [[Template / Type Formulas]])''

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