
Custom Field Type: Special - Web Page View

769 bytes removed, 16:58, 2 June 2009
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'''Condition''' is replaced with the logical condition that your case calls See [[SSlogic|here]] forfurther details. The following code sample will display a Christmas tree image if and only if it is currently December:<br>&lt;!--@sslogic(month(now())=12)--><br>&lt;img src='images/xmasstree.jpg'><br>&lt;!--@end--><br>
Note that the content to be displayed (the middle line) can either be in plaintext or in HTML.
Often, you will want to display one of two texts--one text in the case that a condition is met and another in the case that the condition is not met. This is achieved through the use of an "else" operator.
The following sample code will display one message if a user is male and another if the user is female:<br>
You are a guy.<br>
You are a girl.<br>
<u>'''SEE ALSO'''</u><br>