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'''Note''': The terms '''Contact''' and '''Account''' can be renamed in Global Settings.
Accordingly, they may have a different name names in your instance of [[SmartSimple]].
The functionality described below will be the same.
 =Level 1 Contact and Account Relationships=
There are 3 different standard fields that can be used to associate '''contacts''' with a Level 1 entity:
# Person
There is are also 2 standard fields that can be used to associate '''accounts''' with a Level 1 entity:
# Accounts
# Company (often renamed to Branch)
The '''Owner''', '''Contacts''', '''Person''' and '''Accounts''' fields at Level 1 are all used to control access to the UTA
if the [[Enabling the Security Matrix|Security Matrix]] is enabled
==The Owner Field==
Standard UTA Level 1 field – '''Owner''' is used to establish a '''direct relationship''' between a single [[Internal|internal]] person and the Level 1 item. When you add the '''Owner''' field to the [[Level 1 Entity]] it will be displayed as a combo box defaulting to the current [[User|user]], but the selected contact can be changed to any [[Internal|internal]] person.
The Owner Field can also be configured to allow external owners, as well as internal. This can be enabled in the UTA Application Configuration section, in the Level 1 settings section.
This section will display a set of fields in a list view. You control the [[Role|roles]] that can be selected to describe the contact’s engagement with the [[Level 1 Entity]]. For example, the same contact could be a reviewer in one Level 1 item and a principal researcher in a different Level 1 item. Of if the contact is both a principal researcher '''and'' the project manager for the same Level 1 entity they can be assigned to the Level 1 twice: once as principal researcher and once as project manager.
This feature is further extended providing the ability to define [[Custom Field|custom fields]] used to describe the interaction between the person and their engagement in the [[Level 1 Entity]].
==The People Person Field==
The '''PeoplePerson''' field also allows you to make a an additional direct relationship between multiple people a contact and the same [[Level 1 Entity]]. The difference between the '''People''' field and the '''Contacts''' field is that the '''PeoplePerson''' field does not allow assignment by role.
=Level 2 Contact /Account Relationships= There are 2 standard fields that can be used to associate Contacts with the Level 2 entity:# Owner# Contact List
Accounts cannot be associated directly with Level 2 entities using a standard field.
==The Owner Field (Level 2)==

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