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29 bytes added, 11 November
Upcoming Changes to the Rich Text Editor
* There are some changes to the interface in areas where you can toggle between the plain text editor and the rich text editor, such as when editing email templates or broadcasts.
* The new editor will strip out certain HTML tags, including ('html', 'header', 'script', and 'body' tags from content sources) as well as event handler attributes such as onclick and onerror.
* The "Special – Rich Text" custom field enables end users to customize the appearance of their data within the system. However, it has some limitations: data entered in this field is not suitable for exporting to Excel, PDF, or MS Word merges. Additionally, tables wider than 700 pixels may get cut off in system generated PDFs. Data in this field cannot be displayed in list views. Using this field type can slow down page load times and impact overall performance.
Smartstaff, administrator

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