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Signup Page

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Creating an Organization Lookup Signup Page
Typically, you will not want a list of all organizations you deal with exposed to the public, so on the configuration page you can filter the list of available organizations by organization category and status. This way new users will only be able to search and create themselves under a subset of organizations in your system.
You may also want to consider adding a vetting process utilizing workflows and the users’ statuses status before giving users who self-register under and an existing organization full access to the system.
From the user perspective a new user goes to the desired signup page and then starts typing the name of their organization and they will see a list of organizations meeting that criteria. Once the user selects the desired organization, they enter their user information, and upon submission, the user is created under the chosen organization and . Note the user would still need to activate themselves as usual.
===How to Set up an Organization Lookup Signup Page===
Smartstaff, administrator

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