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Signup Page

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Modifying the Duplicate Check settings
You might consider starting by creating a policy without any role or country permissions, allowing users who haven't signed in or don't yet exist in the system to view the policy from the signup page. Alternatively, you can attach a privacy policy to the login page so that users see it upon their first login, depending on their roles and country. Once the policy is created and activated, you can attach it to the user signup page by selecting the policy in the '''Attach Policies''' input field.
==Modifying the Duplicate Check settings==By default, '''Email''' is used as a unique identifier of users in the system and '''Name''' is used for organizations. If a user tries to enter an email that is already in the system, it will be flagged as a possible duplicate and prevent the user from registering with the same email twice. Optionally, you can conduct a duplicate check on multiple fields. It is important to note that when you add multiple fields in one '''Duplicate Check Field''' box, it will utilize the [[Boolean Operators|Boolean operator]] '''AND''' instead of the '''OR''' operator. For example: if you chose '''email''' and '''first name''', it will only flag users that have the same '''email''' ''and'' '''first name''' as an existing user in the system (as opposed to flagged an existing user that may have the same email ''or'' first name). To add multiple fields using the [[Boolean Operators|Boolean operator]] '''OR''', select the '''Add Duplicate Check Condition''' button, signified by the plus sign. In that case, duplicates will be flagged if either criteria is met independently.  Optionally you can change the uniquely identifiable field such as email to another field such as employee number.x
=Configuration - Advanced=
Smartstaff, administrator

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