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Signup Page

385 bytes added, 16:09, 16 August 2024
How to Set up an Organization Signup Page
# Give the signup page a name
# Choose an '''Associated Organization''' via the lookup. New Organizations will be created under this organization. Generally, you want to select an external organization.
 # Under Optionally, enter a description. This will not be visible to applicants but is important for differentiating organization signup pages. You can include the "Signup Options" section, choose purpose and usage of the organization page to make it easier to find and provide context.# For '''Categories''' select the categories you want to assign to new organizations created.# Change the content on the signup page and confirmation page with a custom messagecontent if desired. Typically, For example you will may want to add something like who the user should contact if they need assistance. Note if a user signup page is attached to an organization signup page, the confirmation page content of the user signup page will be used and the organization confirmation page content will be ignored.# Drag and drop the fields from the '''Available Fields''' list into the '''Selected Fields''' list. These fields will appear on the organization signup page. Fields in the Selected Fields List can may be reordered using drag and drop. 
# Click '''Save'''.
Smartstaff, administrator

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