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Web Page View Field Variables

161 bytes removed, 14:14, 13 August 2024
=To Display a List of Activities, Notes, Transactions, Contacts, Companies, Consumers, Providers=
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=''objectname''::{options})~''standardfieldname''~ $''customfieldname''$#]'''</span>'''Where:'''
: '''Where:'''
:* ''objectname'' is the name of the item to be listed.
:: Either: '''address, activity, assign, contact, user, group, company, notes, association, companyassociation, transaction, timesheet''', '''level-1''', '''utaproviderL1''', '''utaproviderL2''', '''utaconsumerL1''', '''utaconsumerL2''' or '''linkactivity'''
'''Important:''' Any custom fields that you use as criteria or orderby '''must''' appear in the display. If you do not wish to display the field you can place it in a comment. (i.e.: &lt;!--$12343$-->) However, if referencing a field as a property of a table you must show the value.
:: ''See [[MS Word Merge]] for further details on including tables on MS Word Merge documents'': : * To reference the Consumer UTA Level 1 owner name and ownerid from a Provider UTA Level 1 Read Only - System Variable custom field
[#(?object=utaconsumer::criteria=statusname IN ('Placed','Resigned/Terminated'))~ownername~,~ownerid~ #]
:* To Display custom fields via List Syntax for Invoicing (objectname=appliedtoinvoices). Grabbing a custom field value off the invoice (ie. 282588) and into an adjustment.
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Example: [#(?object=appliedtoinvoices)$282588$#]</pre>
::: '''Note''': refer to the custom field by the number ONLY, do not use the custom field name.'' 
:* To generate a list of all contacts for a [[Web Page View]] or [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variables]] custom field (note that the HTML table formatting is included within the '''[#...#]''' syntax)
[#(?object=contact) #]
::: '''Note''': The first line creates a header row for the table'':* For a list of Level 2 (or Level 3) activities sorted by Start Date in descending order:.
[#* For a list of Level 2 (?object=activityor Level 3) activities sorted by Start Date in descending order::orderby=startdate desc)#]
[#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate desc)#]
:* For a list of contacts assigned to a Level 1 with the role of "Internal People", sorted by surname:
[#(?object=contact::orderby=lastname::criteria=rolename='Internal People')#]
:* For a list of level 1 records, including owner details, that a Company has been asssigned to:
[#(?(object =level-1) NAME: ~name~ OWNERID: ~ownerid~ OWNERNAME: ~ownername~ #]
: * To display the level 1 ID of the level 1 records:
[#(?(object =level-1) OPPORTUNITY ID: ~op.opportunityid as oppid~ #]
:* For a list of all companies that the owner of a [[UTA]] record is associated with:
@owner.[#(?object=association)~name~ (Phone ~phone~) #]@
:* To get a comma-separated list of the companyids of all the companies the current user is associated with with roleid 54545:
:* For a list of all contacts associated to the current user's parent company record (associated to the company with [[roleid]] 12345):
@me.parent.[#(?object=association::criteria=roleid='12345')~firstname~ ~lastname~ (Phone ~phone~) #]@
:* For a list of a company's Active(current date is between start and end date) associations:
[#(?object=association::criteria=(afstartdate is null OR afstartdate<='@date(currentdate)@') AND (afenddate is null OR afenddate>='@date(currentdate)@'))~userid~,#]
:* For a list of all contacts/users located under a company with a given role
[#(?object=user::criteria=rolelist like '%,12345,%') ~email~ #]* For a list of all contacts/users located under a company with a given role
<pre>[#(?object=user::criteria=rolelist like '%,12345,%') ~email~ #]</pre>
:* To count the number of contacts assigned with the role of Reviewer:
[#(?object=contact::criteria=rolename="* To count the number of contacts assigned with the role of Reviewer"::groupfunction=count)~userid~#]
:* To include and format a date stored in a custom field (see also [[sscalculation]])
<pre>[#(?object=activity)<!--@sscalculation(date_format("$fieldname$","%M %d, %Y"))-->#]</pre>
:* With Multiple Criteria:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=contact::criteria=(rolename='External' or rolename='Internal'))~firstname~ ~lastname~#]
:* To sort descending by a custom field called ''Total Hours'' with a custom field id of ''67292'':
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=activity::orderby=tbl_67292.valuestr desc)Subject: ~subject~Total Hours: $Total Hours$Start Date: ~startdate~#]
:* To sort descending reviews in a specific status by a custom field on a separate UTA Level 1 field called ''$Staff Final Score$'' with a custom field id of ''1584168'' in numeric order:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=utaconsumerL1::orderby=tbl_15868.valuestr*1::criteria=(statusname='Member Review'))
:* To list a specific activity type only:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate::criteria=typename='This Activity Type')~subject~~location~~startdate~#]</pre>
:* To list activities based on the [[Determining the typeid|type ID]] ('''Level 2 and Level 3 only'''):
:* To include a hyperlink to the object (for Accounts):
[#(?object=company::criteria=rolename="Cooperating Organization")#]
:* To list activities based on status:
:* To list activities based on the status ID ('''Level 2 and Level 3 only'''):
:* To list UTA Providers:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=utaproviderL1::criteria=rolename="Panel") ~name~ ~typename~ ~statusname~ ~enddate~ $Panel Review Date$ $Panel ID</pre><pre><!--@sscalculation(@xml.XML Field.People.Person[#(?criteria="~type.nodevalue~" == "A") 1+#]@ 0)--></pre><pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">lt;br>#]</pre>
:* To list notes (from the record that contains the notes):
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">[#(?object=notes::orderby=createddate desc)~notes~~createddate~~username~#]</pre>::: '''Note''': This syntax is for "Public (Default)" notes only, not custom note types.:: :: * To list all companies under a parent company record:
[#(?object=company) ~name~ #]
::* To list all L3 allocations within a L2 budget record:
[#(?object=linkactivity) ~subject~ #]
::* To sum or count all the L3 allocations from the budget L2 record:
@linkactivity.sum(...)@ or @linkactivity.count(...)@
'''To list level 2 notes for each level 2 record at level 1:
<pre style="white-space* To list level 2 notes for each level 2 record at level 1: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"> [#(?object=activity::orderby=startdate desc)~subject~~description~~startdate~ [@(?object=notes::orderby=createddate desc)@]</pre> 
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">#]</pre>:::: '''Note''': This syntax is for "Public (Default)" notes only, not custom note types.'''  * To do a sum of all the unpaid payment transaction:

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