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Workflows Overview

9 bytes added, 11:11, 2 August 2024
Enable Status-Driven Workflow on UTA
===Enable Status-Driven Workflow on UTA===
Status-driven workflows can be triggered from all levels of a UTA if Workflows workflows have been enabled on the types . To enable workflows for a type do the following:
1. In your desired '''UTA''', click configuration '''Configuration Settings'''. Click on the level 1 tab, Click on '''Types'''. A list of types is displayed.
2. Click the '''Edit ''' (pencil icon) button on the desired Type type The template details are displayed.
3. To enable workflows for the Level 1 items, select Yes in the first workflow combo boxtoggle''' Enable Applications Workflow''' to on position.
4. To enable workflows for the Level 2 and 3 activities, select Yes in the second workflow combo box. 5. Click Save. Note: upon creation of new Templates, the toggle''' Enable Activities Workflow combo boxes default ''' to "Yes." Change these values to "No" in the case that you would like to disable workflows for this template at Level 1 and/or Level 2 and 3on position.
5. Click '''Save'''.
'''Note''': Upon creation of new templates, both '''Enable Applications Workflow '''and''' Enable Activities Workflow''' are enabled by default'''.'''
===Enable Workflow on UTA Type===

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