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Enabling ORCID Within Your System

16 bytes added, 26 July
Use cases
* The process is streamlined by retrieving data from ORCID records to populate application or progress report forms. In SmartSimple Cloud, data from ORCID is stored in JSON format, enabling specific formatting and versatile data usage within the system.
* Enabling staff to add and update data in ORCID funding records simplifies the user experience by connecting validated information to their ORCID records. This action is triggered by a workflow, configurable for specific roles and statuses. Data field mapping sent to ORCID is managed by your system administrator. (add link to the article hereArticle: [[Updating Funding Data in ORCID]])
* The display of ORCID data on the user’s profile complements any existing configurations showing researcher profile data and outputs. In SmartSimple Cloud, ORCID data is stored in JSON format, allowing system administrators to create tailored views of information from various sources for your team or organization-specific processes.

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