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Updating Funding Data in ORCID

8 bytes added, 16:11, 23 July 2024
Configuration – Advanced
==Configuration – Advanced==
===Add and Update ORCID Funding by Configuring Fields on L1===
SmartSimpleCloud SmartSimple Cloud currently supports adding and updating funding data on the user's ORCID record using the ORCID Member API. In order to update researcher records, the user must have an authenticated ORCID iD and provided permission for the specific system to make updates.
Below is a screenshot from ORCID when a user clicks the '''Add Funding''' page, where the user is required to complete several fields.
[[File:114889-2021-4-ORCIDFundingRecord.png|thumb|none|800px|Add Funding page on ORCID]]
ORCID crosschecks information imported from SmartSimpleCloudSmartSimple Cloud. Certain fields must be configured using ORCID values.
An overview of the fields from the funding record is below, with key values and required fields indicated. Please refer to the [ ORCID support pages] for the most up-to-date values used for the metadata.
||Required field, Select One - Combo Box
This should be mapped to a custom field with ORCID values.
Although this list looks very much the same as the SmartSimpleCloud SmartSimple Cloud currency list, we would advise that the values provided by ORCID are used.
If this is mapped to a text field, the entered value has to be one of the option values in the list.
===Mapping the L1 Fields===
Each of these fields are mapped in the specific UTA. Go to '''UTA Settings'''  > '''Connectivity'''  > '''Service Settings''' - '''ORCID Funding Field Mapping.'''
The fields required in the ORCID Funding record are displayed in the left column and the SmartSimpleCloud L1 fields are displayed in the right column. Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk. SmartSimpleCloud fields are selected using a drop-down.

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