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Template:Annotation Mode

18 bytes removed, 11 July
4. Applicant Reviews Annotations, Modifies Values, and Adds Clarifications
In '''Annotation Mode''', fields without annotations are locked. The applicant sees a list of annotations in the right panel and can click on any annotation to engage in a specific field-level discussion.
<![[File:2024-07- (Insert Image: Show annotation list) ticket-144147->6.png|thumb|none|800px| Caption.]]
When focused on an annotation, the applicant can click the '''Reply''' button to open a modal window, where they can modify the field value and add a clarifying message.
 <![[File:2024-07- (Insert Image: Show reply button when drilled into an annotation) ticket-144147->7.png|thumb|none|800px| Caption.]]
Annotations from other users (such as the reviewer) are highlighted in yellow, indicating they may require a response, while annotations you create (as an applicant) are highlighted in blue.
 <![[File:2024-07- (Insert Image: Show drilled into an annotation with blue and yellow messages) ticket-144147->8.png|thumb|none|800px| Caption.]]
After responding and modifying field values, the applicant clicks the annotation submission button to move the status forward, triggering a workflow that notifies the reviewer of the changes made.

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