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281 bytes added, 17:17, 9 July 2024
New SMTP Integration Keys
New clients and clients transitioning from basic authentication for Office 365, Gmail, or other SMTP relay services must now create an integration key.
To do this, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''Integration Key Management''' > Click the plus icon to create a new integration key.
In the '''Type''' dropdown, you will see two new options under the keystore category: "Basic Authentication" for SMTP relay and "OAuth 2.0" for Gmail and Office 365 SMTP relay.
<u>'''Note'''</u>: For the OAuth 2.0 option, you will need to log in and authorize during the setup process.
For clients using T2P, make sure to select the correct integration key in the SMTP relay settings located under '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications'''.
Storing the username and password for SMTP relays in an integration key also provides enhanced encryption and decryption.
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