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Template:Annotation Mode

899 bytes added, 17:44, 27 June 2024
Submit Buttons and Annotation Submission Buttons
==Submit Buttons and Annotation Submission Buttons==
Submit buttons move a record between statuses that are not locked. A user role can also be given permission to override a locked status to see submit buttons.
Annotation submission buttons are intended for use only in '''Annotation Mode''' when the record is locked where other submit and save buttons are hidden.
Both types of submission buttons are configured by navigating to the desired '''UTA''' > '''Configuration Settings''' > Click on the desired '''Level 1''', '''2''', or '''3''' tab > '''Submit and Save Buttons'''.
We created the following submit buttons for our scenario:  {| class="contenttable"|-||'''Name'''||'''Description'''||'''Type'''||'''Configuration Steps'''|-||Submit||Applicant submits and this locks the application to the applicant.||Submit|||-||Begin Review Process ||A reviewer is assigned who will approve, decline or annotate the application||Submit|||-||Move to Reviewer Annotation and Review||Record moved to reviewer annotation and review after the reviewer was assigned and notified.||Submit|||-||Send Requested Revisions to Applicant||Sends requested revisions to the applicant.||Submit Annotation|||-||Submit Revisions ||Sends revisions from applicant to reviewer.||Submit Annotation|||-||Approve Application ||The reviewer approves the application (no more changes are required).||Submit Annotation |||-||Decline Application ||The reviewer declines the application.||Submit Annotation |||}<br /><br />

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