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502 bytes added, 28 June
Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.
(Video Coming Soon){{#ev:youtube|qjBjxTUjJDA}}
'''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' >''' Integrations''' tab > Toggle on''' Enable Stripe Connect''' under the “Service Settings” section.
==== Note Reporting Update Added Ability to Report on Notes====
<!-- 150219 - Subject Line for Notes - Adding Reporting Functionality -->
We have added Added the ability to report on the subject lines '''Subject Line''' of notesthe '''Notes''' feature. To enable this feature, navigate to '''Global Settings ''' > '''System ''' tab> Toggle on '''Enable Subject Line for Notes'''. ====Updated Work with +AI Feature====<!-- 162190 - Formatting of OpenAI responses (markdown format) -->Updated the '''Work with +AI''' interactive interface to support markdown formatting. Responses will now properly render lists, bold text, and other formatting elements.[[File:2024-07-ticket-162190-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The '''Work with +AI''' interactive interface now includes formatted responses.]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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