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165 bytes added, 18:20, 24 June 2024
Notes for Admins
<!-- 136010 - Real time virus scanning for SmartFolders -->
Files uploaded to your SmartSimple system are now subjected to automatic virus scanning. Files larger than 100MB are queued for scanning; you may see a message indicating the scan is in process. During this period, users cannot download or rename files being scanned, and files being scanned are not visible in list views. If a virus is detected, the file is deleted, and a notification triggered. The option to enable real-time virus scanning on custom fields has also been removed.
 '''System Administrators ''' can navigate to '''Menu Icon ''' > '''Global Settings ''' > '''Security ''' tab > Click the '''Virus Infected Files ''' link to see a list of files that were deleted from where, when and who uploaded them.
<!-- 162592 - Avoid sending portal shortcut aggregate requests all at once -->
We've updated the loading of list views to be asynchronous, allowing you to interact with certain elements before all list data is fully loaded. Additionally, we've changed how we load shortcut list view aggregate numbers to reduce performance impacts.
<!-- 144982 - OAuth2 for SMTP relay -->
New clients and clients transitioning from basic authentication for Office 365, Gmail, or other SMTP relay services must now create an integration key.
To do this, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''Integration Key Management''' > Click the plus icon to create a new integration key.
To do thisIn the '''Type''' dropdown, go to Global Settings > Integrations tab > Integration Key Management > Click you will see two new options under the plus icon to create a new integration keykeystore category: "Basic Authentication" for SMTP relay and "OAuth 2.0" for Gmail and Office 365 SMTP relay.
In the Type dropdown, you will see two new options under the keystore category: "Basic Authentication" for SMTP relay and "OAuth 2.0" for Gmail and Office 365 SMTP relay. <u>'''Note'''</u>: For the OAuth 2.0 option, you will need to log in and authorize during the setup process.
====Advanced Search and Filters Using Status and Type Criteria====
<!-- 161953 - Meeting records not appearing in French -->
The advanced search and filters for “Type” and “Status” standard fields now consider both the type/status caption in the user's language and the type/status name (language independent) when these values are used as search criteria. This ensures more accurate search results across different languages.
====Enhanced Filter List View====
<!-- 142722 - Can we indicate which filters are config only -->
We have enhanced the filter list view to clearly indicate which filters are designated as configuration-only and thus not visible to end users. You can now easily identify these filters without needing to open each filter. To view the new configuration only indicator column, navigate to the desired '''Universal Tracking Application ''' > ''' Configuration Settings ''' > ''' Level 1 ''' tab> Click on the '''Search Filters ''' link to access the updated list of filters, featuring the "Configuration Only" column. 
====SmartCheck Validation List View Enhancements====
<!-- 137153 - SmartCheck Validation list view improvements -->
We've enhanced the '''SmartCheck Validation ''' list view by adding columns for “Last Updated”, “Modified By”, “Attached Submit Buttons”, and “ID”. These additions allow you to search based on this information, making it easier to find and troubleshoot '''SmartCheck Validation'''
====Improved System Design Summary====
<!-- 139200 - Add CFs for Orgs and Contacts in the System Design Summary -->
We have introduced the ability to include custom fields for organizations and users within the '''System Design Summary'''. This summary can be accessed via '''Menu Icon ''' > ''' Global Settings ''' > '''System ''' tab and generates a comprehensive document outlining the current system design. 
====Adobe Acrobat Sign migration====
<!-- 149697 - Migrate Adobe Acrobat Sign REST API from v5 to v6 -->
The Adobe Acrobat Sign service for e-signatures will be upgraded from Adobe Acrobat Sign API version 5 to version 6. Clients currently using the service have the option to enable webhooks. To do so, you will need to grant the necessary permissions within your Adobe account and contact the support team for help with the transition.
====Signority Updates====
<!-- 161593 - Signority Date Signed -->
We’ve introduced the ability to use the Signority Smart Tags feature by using anchor text within the webpage view, providing more control over the position of signature elements.
 The e-signature configuration for Signority has also been updated. New clients using this integration must set up an integration key under '''Global Settings ''' > '''Integrations ''' tab > '''Integration Key Management'''. For existing clients, the integration key will be automatically transitioned. Additionally, a new option has been added to allow the use of a sandbox Signority key for testing and troubleshooting during the implementation process.
====Updated Stripe Integration====
<!-- 157124 - Update Stripe API -->
The Stripe integration for payments has been updated to use the latest version of the Stripe API. You can also now enable the Stripe Connect feature, which streamlines online payment processing across all system-wide Stripe payment methods, including credit card and ACH debit. Enabling this feature removes the need to manually enter Stripe keys for each payment form.
 '''Administrators ''' can enable the Stripe Connect feature by navigating to:'''Menu Icon ''' > '''Global Settings ''' > ''' Integrations ''' tab > Toggle on ''' Enable Stripe Connect ''' under the “Service Settings” section.

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