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1,407 bytes added, 20 June
June 20th 2024 (202406.02)
==Service Packs==
====June 20th 2024 (202406.02)====* Fixed an issue where assigning a new category to an organization could remove an existing category if the user did not have permission to add the existing category.<!-- 158022 - Organization Categories being Removed -->* Fixed an issue with Universal Tracking Application workflows that were configured on the file upload field where an E-signature PDF is stored to. The acknowledgement task within the workflow will now trigger upon file uploads initiated by the service provider.<!-- 162812 - Adobe Workflow - Pending Signature issue --> ====June 13th 2024 (202405202406.01)====* Added improved support for multiple exported file names in the custom field for web page views. When multiple file name tags wrapped in SSlogic are entered in the '''HTML Template''' field, the '''Exported File Name''' input will become read-only. <!-- 160593 - Web Page View - HTML Template & Exported File Name -->* Added ability to recreate an '''+AI Insight''' model in scenarios where the AI model is no longer available. <!-- 161379 - AI insight page not loading -->* Updated the maximum file size for system folders types on Autoloader/Export Storage to align with the file upload limit specified in the Gort automation server settings. <!-- 157613 - Increase SmartFolder file size limit for document upload -->* Updated autoloader queue behavior to ensure that when an autoloader does not run at the designated time (due to another autoloader in progress), the second autoloader will run later and not be skipped. <!-- 162073 - Scheduled Autoloaders not triggering in York PROD environment -->
* Updated the '''Discussion Board''' feature to restrict the ability to upload files to thread creators and discussion board managers.
<!-- 160180 - AI Assistant Phase 2 -->
* Added improved support for multiple exported file names in the custom field for web page views. When multiple file name tags wrapped in SSlogic are entered in the '''HTML Template''' field, the '''Exported File Name''' input will become read-only.
<!-- 160593 - Web Page View - HTML Template & Exported File Name -->
* Updated the '''Assignment Grid''' feature to have sticky column headers.
<!-- 161256 - +AI Insights (Beta) -->
* Added ability to recreate an '''+AI Insight''' model in scenarios where the AI model is no longer available.
<!-- 161379 - AI insight page not loading -->
* Updated SignEasy e-signature integration to allow clients to revoke and reauthorize tokens. Additionally, a notification email is now sent when the signature process encounters an access error with SignEasy.
<!-- 161509 - SignEasy needs re-authorizing before token set expires -->
* Updated the loading speed for the "Sent" and "Archived" tabs of the '''Message Queue'''for improved performance. Please note that the total record count will no longer be displayed and the sorting functionality has been disabled.
<!-- 161767 - Message Queue Sent/Archive tab load slow when there are a lot of messages -->
<!-- 159660 - Rich Text Editor Options not applied on external pages -->
* Fixed an issue where a workflow associated with a scheduled report export would not run in some scenarios where the export had a large number of records. Additionally, we optimized field indexing to speed up report queries.
<!-- 162096 - Workflow not triggered -->
====May 16th 2024 (202405.02)====
Smartstaff, administrator

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