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IRS and CRA - Automatic Verification

194 bytes removed, 11:56, 16 May 2024
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SmartSimple supports automatic verification of organizations with multiple databases such as Internal Revenue Service (IRS, CRA, OFAC, ) or UK Canadian Charities(CRA).
System Administrators can set up automatic monthly checks of organizations in a certain [[Client Categories|category]] or categories against these databases, and save the record of the check as a [[transaction]] on the company [[profile]].
==Database Check Records on the Company Profile==
When configured, this feature will display each check against the online database as a [[transaction]] on the Organization profile. Each type of check can be displayed as a different tab.
In the example below, checks against the IRS database are stored under a tab named "Tax Check":<br />
Clicking the ''Open'' button will open the specific tax check transaction:<br />
[[Image:TransactionOnOrgRecord2.png|link=|500px]]<br /> 
* The details of the check can be displayed, including the date the check was performed and a notification of whether the record was found on the IRS' database.
* In this case, a ''FAIL'' message was displayed, indicating that the organization was not found on the IRS' database.
To configure this feature:
 # Click the ''Transaction 'Types''' hyperlink on the [[Global Settings]] menu under the [[Company & Account Settings]] heading.<br />[[Image:TransactionTypesHyperlink.png|link=]]# Ensure that the appropriate Transaction Type is selected from the Transaction Type selection dropbox (''Peoplethe '' or 'Transactions'Company'').<br />[[Image:TransactionTypeChoosertab.png|link=]]# Click on the hyperlinked name of the Select '''Transaction Type you Types''' you want to use to synchronize with the external databaseenable automation on.# Select the Enable '''User Use Third party Verification Service'' option', then select '''Default Verification Service''' you want to use to synchronize with the external database.<br />[[Image:IRS_Check.png|link=|500px]]# Hit the '''Save''' button. # You will now see a button at the top of the page named ''Third Party 'Verification Mapping'''. Clicking that button brings you to the following page
From this page, you can select the [[custom fields]] created on the Transaction that will store the values returned from your search of the external database.
The Organization Registration ID setting allows you to select a custom field on the organization profile that will store the result of the search.
Under the ''Automatic Verification Settings'' heading you can set the following options:
 * '''Automatic Checking Schedule''': Can be set to ''N/A'', ''Once a month'', ''Once every two months'' or ''Once every three months'' 
<!--:*All monthly checks take place on the 15th of the month. This corresponds with the IRS' update schedule.-->
* '''Automatic Checking Database''': You can select from IRS, Canadian Charities and OFAC

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