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+AI Transcription

13 bytes added, 23:17, 10 January 2024
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This article is about using AI to generate English transcriptions for uploaded media files. The transcription can be generated by the AI in either text or subtitle format. Users who prefer not to watch the entire media file can conveniently examine the generated text file. Additionally, a text file could be leveraged with other AI capabilities. For example, users could request the AI to generate a paragraph summary based on the text transcript. In this article, you will learn how to configure and manage AI-generated transcripts. You will also learn how to store transcription data in a custom field for later additional processing.
===Setting up +AI Transcription===
Follow these steps:
# Under '''+AI Transcription Format''', select the “Text” option if you want a basic transcript of the media file. Select “Subtitle” if you want the timestamps along with the transcription.
# Select the text box custom field we created in Step 1 for the '''To Custom Field''' dropdown located under the Value Storage section.
With access to the contents of this custom field, you can continue to maximize AI capabilities by translating the transcription, asking the AI to summarize the contents of a transcription, or even query the AI about the contents of the transcript to aid in the review process.

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