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2 bytes removed, 19:58, 12 December 2023
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* Key Type: SignEasy
* Key name: set to SignEasy
* Client ID**: unique code for the client (for SignEasy V3 accounts, this can be found in your SignEasy Account - Apps (click on the app you created for SmartSimple integration) - Authentication tab - OAuth credentials)
* Client Secret (for SignEasy V3 accounts, this can be found in your SignEasy Account - Apps (click on the app you created for SmartSimple integration) - Authentication tab - OAuth credentials)<br /><br />In your V3 SignEasy Account:<br />- Enter the Redirect URL (listed on Integration Key Management - SignEasy (Type) - Redirect URL) into your SignEasy Account by going to Apps > Edit Settings > Redirect URL<br />- Check all the scopes by going to Apps > Edit Settings > Scopes<br />- Enter the Webhook URL (listed on Integration Key Management - SignEasy (Type) - Webhook URL) into your SignEasy Account by going to Apps > Webhooks > Create Webhook

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