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3 bytes removed, 21:18, 23 October 2023
Updated API to Allow Update and Get/List for Profile Model Field Data
====Updated API to Allow Update and Get/List for Profile Model Field Data====
We updated the API to allow update and get/list for '''Profile Model''' field data. When updating the sf_Profile Model, data should be a jsonobject where the "node" is the profilemodel jsonnode name. This is an example of how to update the '''Profile Model''':
<pre> [{"recordid":"87983424","sf_Phone":"416 123 4567", "sf_Profile Model":{"node":"mytest","dataobj":{"1":"one","2":"two","3":"three"}}}]</pre>
<!-- 152787 - Profile Model JSON data update via SmartConnect API -->
====Updated Question Set Builder Fields to Resolve ID Mismatch Issues====
If you have multiple environments and promote changes from development to staging to a live environment using the T2P tool, you will no longer encounter the ID mismatch issue related to the '''Question Set Builder''' when moving fields between environments.
<!-- 148162 - Question Set Builder and T2P -->
Smartstaff, administrator

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