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17 bytes added, 12:59, 7 October 2023
Setting up a SmartFolder of the Configuration Type
# Go to the “menu” icon (9 squares) in the header.
# Select “SmartFolders”.# Click the “Configuration Folders” (last tab).
# Click the “New Folder” (+) button.
# For “Folder Name” enter “IT Asset Tracker”.# Change the “Folder Type” to “Autoloader/Export Storage”.
# For “Roles Allowed to View” and “Roles Allowed to Edit” select the role called “IT Asset Tracker - Manager”.
# Click the “Submit” button.
'''Audience prompt:''' why Why is it important to always create a new folder for each Autoloader and permission the folder appropriately?'''
Creating a folder for each autoloader and setting permissions will reduce the risk of someone accessing the information or accidentally uploading a file that was not intended to be processed (any file uploaded will modify existing records and trigger workflows).
We have now created the folder to hold the external file the autoloader will process.
Smartstaff, administrator

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