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10 bytes added, 17:59, 26 September 2023
Mandatory OneSpan Tags
<pre><!--SignatureName Grant Agreement--></pre>
||The name of the document declared here will appear in various locations.
||Populates the subject of the email sent to requested signees
<pre><!--SignatureBlock SignHere --></pre>
||The signature block will appear wherever the SignatureBlock anchor text is placed. Make sure you have a text string that matches the anchor string in this document. You can also fine tune the placement by adding ;;0;;-50;;250;;75;; the values correspond with left position, top position, width and height.
||Defines the date string for the date stamp
<pre><!--signature;SIGNER;John;Smith;1;ABC Company Name, Inc.--></pre>
||This tag should be placed before the SignatureBlock anchor tag in the HTML.
||Adds a multiple line text field inside OneSpan
||<pre><!--FieldBlock Anchor String;;0;;10;;250;;120;;TEXTAREA --></pre>||<pre><!--FieldBlock fieldCTA;;0;;10;;250;;120;;TEXTAREA --></pre>||If you add a multiple line text field it will appear to the signer while they are signing in OneSpan. The signer may add text to the documents using this field and that text will only be saved in the PDF. If you create a new PDF , that information will not be retained outside the original PDF that was generated.
||Adds a single line text field inside OneSpan
||<pre><!--FieldBlock Anchor String;;0;;10;;250;;40;;TEXTFIELD --></pre>||<pre><!--FieldBlock fieldCTF;;0;;10;;250;;40;;TEXTFIELD--></pre>||If you add a single line text field , it will appear to the signer while they are signing in OneSpan. The signer may add text to the documents using this field and that text will only be saved in the PDF. If you create a new PDF , that information will not be retained outside the original PDF that was generated.

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