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Creating a OneSpan Account
==Configuration – Essentials==
===Creating a OneSpan Account===
To use this integration, you must bring your own OneSpan license. This is done outside of SmartSimple Cloud. Learn Reach out directly to OneSpan to get a licensed account and learn more about OneSpan’s e-signature product at [ Reach out directly to OneSpan to get a license and accounttheir products]. Once you have an account and license, follow the steps below.
Note# Log in to [https: whitelisting of IPs // OneSpan]. Based on your country, your login URL may be requireddifferent.# Select “API Access” under the “Admin” option in the menu. An API key will be automatically assigned.# Under “Client Apps”, click the “Add” button to generate a “Client ID” and “Client Secret”. Be sure to copy and save both items as these codes will only appear once when first generated.
# Log in to [https<u>'''Note:'''<// OneSpan]. Based on your country, your login URL may be different.# Select “API Access” under the “Admin” option in the menu. An API Key will be automatically assigned.# Under “Client Apps”, click the “Add” button to generate a “Client ID” and “Client Secret”. Copy and Save both items. Note: The client secret will only appear once when first generated.# u> Depending on your setup, you may be required to whitelist specific IP addresses. More information can be found in [ OneSpan's quick start guides for environment URLs and IP addresses].
===Setting up the Integration Key in SmartSimple Cloud===

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