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1,648 bytes added, 19:35, 28 August 2023
Service Packs
==Service Packs==
===September 14th 2023 (202309.01)===
* Fixed an issue with the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field where only date fields were available under the '''Option Caption Field''' dropdown.
<!-- 149708 - L2 CF - Citi Staff Involved -->
* Fixed an issue with '''Quick Edit''' where date fields were not saving properly.
<!-- 151141 - Quick Edit date field is not working correctly -->
* Fixed an issue with PDF generation from a '''Special – Web Page View''' field when the file name contained single or double quotes.
<!-- 149757 - Filename issue - apostrophe in client name -->
* Fixed an issue where user records, created using the SmartConnect API, would not open as expected from the organization hierarchy.
<!-- 151238 - SmartConnect API Issue with new users on org hierarchy -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated Guidestar Charity Check and Charity Navigator Check workflow task types to be available only for '''Workflow Type''' of "Company".
<!-- 148273 - Guidestar Charity Check Configuration -->
* Updated the '''Field Change History Log''' so users with permission to see the change log will now be able to view the details of that log as well.
<!-- 151339 - Add the ability for any user to veiw the full fields history -->
* Updated CSI Web integration. Usage and behavior remains unchanged.
<!-- 151281 - Update CSI Web Integration -->
* Updated available region options for Denmark.
<!-- 151696 - Update Danish Regions -->
* Updated '''System Performance Summary''' to restrict note creation to '''Global Administrators'''.
<!-- 151043 - Netcraft pentest vulnerabilities 2023-07-06_Low&Med -->
===August 17th 2023 (202308.03)===
* Fixed an issue where workflows calling RESTFUL API requests were not working as expected after the August 10th 2023 Service pack.
<!-- 152205 - Workday Integration not Working -->
* Fixed an issue with the search where a wrench icon would appear inside the ‘Recent Searches’ box.
<!-- 151489 - QA Issue: Seeing a wrench icon when I click in Quick Search area. -->
====Other Changes====

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