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81 bytes added, 20:42, 17 May 2023
Determining the right structure for you?
'''Where the data will be stored within your system?'''
Consider where the data you collect is stored. For example, information about a grantee might best be stored on that grantee's profile or their organization’s profile. This way the user is not required to enter the same information into multiple forms. If information needs to be displayed in multiple locations or multiple systems, consider where the single source of truth will be and what features will be used to update other locations such as system variables, data exchange, or the SmartConnect API. If data is coming from an outside source, consider which integration you will use. For example, you may choose to populate an organization's details based on the information from the IRS verification service instead of having the user enter their own organization details.
'''How will you coordinate data structures across programs?'''
'''How will the process flow?'''
You may have many people contributing to the form, including the applicant and their team as well as internal and external teams taking part in the reviewing, advising, or approving process.
Will you be using features like invitations, annotations, and group email? Consider the full application lifecycle including how outcomes will be reported and how you will demonstrate the outcome of the funding such as who benefited. Also consider what types of communication you will have with the applicant. For exampleWill you use notes, can they annotations, emails, a separate UTA to manage these communications? Can applicants upload an audio/video application or explanation using the media library or will all communication be text based? How can your users get help along the way if things don’t go as planned or something unexpected happens? Will you use the +AI integration as part of the pre-screening process and allow other roles to get help from the artificial intelligence as part of their processes. Will you use the e-signature integration for digital signing documents or some other integration, if so, which vendor?
==Determining the organization and layout of questions==
Smartstaff, administrator

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