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Visibility Permissions

122 bytes removed, 13:22, 12 April 2023
Level 1 Logic
The {{l1}} Logic tab of the UTA Visibility Permissions page contains the following visibility permission settings:
*'''Limit Create Access To'''<!--SHOWL1NEW--> - Controls visibility of ''New'' button on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Visible by default.''*'''Disable View Menu'''<!--HIDEL1VIEWBUTTON--> - Controls visibility of [[View mode|''View'' button]] on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Visible by default.''*'''Enable Copy'''<!--L1COPYBUTTON--> - Controls visibility of ''Copy'' button on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Hidden by default.'' See [[Copying UTA Records]] for instructions on configuration of copy settings.*'''Enable Forms'''<!--SHOWL1FORMS--> - Controls visibility of ''Forms'' button on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Hidden by default.'' The ''Forms'' button can also be hidden by the ''Disable Forms Tab'' setting on the Level 1 Settings page.*'''Enable Notes'''<!--L1NOTES--> - Controls visibility of [[Notes]] on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Hidden by default.''*'''Enable Print Preview'''<!--L1PRINT--> - Controls visibility of ''Print Preview'' button on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Hidden by default.'' *'''Enable Group Email'''<!--SHOWL1CONTACTGROUPEMAIL--> - Controls visibility of [[Group Email]] button on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Hidden by default.'' *'''Enable User Group for Contacts'''<!--SHOWL1CONTACTGROUP--> - Controls visibility of [[User Groups]] feature on [[Standard Level 1 Field List|Contacts standard field]] on UTA {{l1}} records. ''Hidden by default.'' *'''Enable Invitation''' - Controls visibility of [[Contact Invitations|Invitations]] feature. *'''Disable Contacts Hyperlinks'''<!--DISABLEL1CONTACTLINKS--> - Controls whether or not [[contact]]s added to a {{l1}} UTA record are hyperlinked to the contact [[profile]]. ''Enabled by default.''*'''Disable Companies Hyperlinks'''<!--DISABLEL1COMPANYLINKS--> - Controls whether or not [[organization|companies]] added to a {{l1}} UTA record are hyperlinked to the company [[profile]]. ''Enabled by default.''*'''Disable Email Tab'''<!--DISABLEEMAIL--> - Controls whether or not users will have the ability to create Emails from Level 1 record*'''Show US Census Tab'''<!--SHOWUSCENSUS--> - Controls visibility of graphs and statistics on [[US census graphs|US census data]], but only if the linked company has US address.*'''Show Janus Tab'''<!--SHOWJANUS--> - Controls visibility of the [[Janus visualization and settings on UTA Level 1|Janus Tab]] 
===Level 2 Logic===
Smartstaff, administrator

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