An The '''Autoloader can upload [[organization|companies]], [[contact]]s or [[Universal Tracking Application]] {{ l1 }} or {{ l2 }} ''' feature provides the ability to automatically create/update SmartSimple information with datafrom an external file. Autoloaders can be triggered whenever a file This feature is added vital if you need to a designated [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]]/[[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]]. These files can be added manually keep data in sync with an external ERP or uploaded automatically picking by up a file from an SFTP. You can create any number of Autoloaders within the other legacy system to provide for different upload processes. The general process is outlined as follows:
* Once a file is added to the [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]]/[[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]], the Autoloader process will recognize that a file has been added and start the upload process.
* A log file will be created to indicate the success or failure of each record update and an email can be sent to a designated user to notify them of the success (or failure) of the upload.
* If a new version of the file is added to the folder, the new file will be processed.
* An Autoloader can upload to different objects within your SmartSimple instance: [[organization|companies]], [[contact]]s, [[Universal Tracking Application]] {{ l1 }} or {{ l2 }}, {{l3}},[[Category:Transactions|Transactions]], [[Notes_Overview|Notes]], [[Associations/|Associations]].
==Creating a SmartFolder/Configuration Folder==