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Single Sign-On

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SmartSimple SSO configuration as the Service Provider
: '''Identity Provider Service Endpoint''': this is the url login redirect.
:: For Azure, the value in User Access URL (Found under Properties)
::: For OKTA, the value in Embed Link (Found under General tab in the App Embed Link Section):::: For ADFS, the redirect is '''Unique Identifier FIeld (UID)''': from the dropdown, select '''''*E-Mail''''' (Default value but it can also be the Employee ID or any unique identifier in the user profile):::: '''Bypass Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)''': enabled
4. Click Save
3. From the '''General''' tab, go to the '''Single Sign-On''' section and complete the two fields
:::: '''MES Group Identifier''': from the dropdown, select '''''SSOProd''''':::: '''Link Label''': '''''Employee Login''''' (free text field)
4. Click Save

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