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Multi-Factor Authentication

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Determining Which Roles Can Reset TOTP
===Determining Which Roles Can Reset TOTP===
:# In your SmartSimple instance (logged in as a '''Global AdminAdministrator''') in the '''Configuration Main Menu''' (9-Square Grid Icon), select '''Global Settings'''.<br /> [[File:GlobalSettings5.png|thumb|none|800px]]:# Select Navigate to the '''Users''' Tab from the Global Settings.:# Click tab and click '''Roles'''.:# '''Edit''' the role that you would like to grant the ability to reset TOTP on behalf of other users. For security best practicespractice, this role should be an internal role only.
:# Select the '''Permissions''' tab.
:# In the field '''Roles this role can reset TOTP for''', select the other roles that this role can reset TOTP on behalf of. <br /> [[File:RolesTOTPReset.png|thumb|none|800px]]

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